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Good morning, Harry :)
I just need your email to send you the pictures you said your mum would like of you if that's okay.

Harry S.:
Of course it is
Don't laugh or judge though

Wasn't expecting that...
No judgement
But I laughed

Harry S.:

Also my Instagram's been blowing up

Harry S.:
I'm sorry about that
I'm sorry for any rude comments or anything
The fans can be overwhelming

No, you're fine. Don't worry :)
Honestly I haven't seen much rude comments
Which surprises me tbh

Harry S.:
You and me both
That's great :) x

would probably get beheaded if i posted anything from the shoot though

Harry S.:
Do you, love. It's your job.
You have my approval and support. x

Thank you :) x

To: thisisntharry@gmail.com
From: ninambr0wn@gmail.com
Subject: That one time London had sun

comSubject: That one time London had sun

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