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Warning: Slight sexual content. x

Nina and Harry's stomachs were full, with Nina patting her stomach for emphasis as they began walking out of the little nook they had dined in.

"Think I ate enough to last a couple of days without food."

Harry released a chuckle, "Is that a bet?"

Nina pretended to be shocked, her movement halting as she stared at him. Harry stopped, looking back at her. "Excuse me, Harry, are you implying that you want me to starve?"

"You just sa-"

"Zip." She pretended to wipe a tear, "Out of all people, I didn't think it'd be you who'd betray me."

She was joking. The small smile on her face told him that, the context, and the fact that she giggled and approached him again, bumping her shoulder to his.
But her sentence didn't sit right for him.

Harry wondered if maybe the little act of Mick was going too far. Maybe later, it wouldn't be as harmless as it was before.
Nina shared things with Mick that she didn't share with Harry and while he should've used that as a sign to gain more of her trust, he was afraid that letting Mick tell her to do that wasn't the best idea.

"Hey, alien. Where are you?" She was adorable. She poked his side, smiling when he squirmed and a smile cracked.

"I'm ticklish." Harry muttered.

Nina hummed, raising one eyebrow. "Interesting."

"Are you?"

"Ticklish? Nope. Here, try." She stopped, letting go of his hands and raising her hands slightly up.

Harry admired how spontaneous Nina was. It was definitely one of the many reasons why he was hopelessly pulled and attracted to her.
He reached forward, wiggling his fingers lightly on her stomach, his eyes going wide when he got no reaction from her.

"What?" He laughed, going to her sides, "Not even here?"

"Or my neck. Or my feet." She said, "I think it has to do with how I'm dead inside."

Harry laughed as he stopped trying to get a laugh out of her, shaking his head. "Think it's true."

Nina giggled as they began walking again, shoulders bumping.
She wanted to grab his hands, really wanted to. But even though they were in a quiet area in Italy, they could never trust who might have their phone out.

He wanted her in his arms. Wanted to kiss her midst laughter and play with her fingers but for that very reason, his hands remained beside him, itching.

"So," Nina cleared her throat, linking her hands in front of her shyly, "We're seeing each other." She said quietly, cringing slightly at herself in her head at her way to approach the subject.

Harry smiled bemusedly, looking at her. "I'd love to think so, yes."

She knew he was beginning to take the piss at her and for that reason, she let out a tiny groan, lightly swatting him on the arm. "You know what I want to talk about."

He chuckled, nodding to put her out of her misery. "I do." He confirmed, "I just-" Harry took a breath in, "Think I just want people close to us know that we're seeing each other. Don't want this to be a secret to them."

Nina's heart melted, grabbing his hand to guide the both of them to a bench nearby.

"I don't want to hide you." Harry replied before he even thought.

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