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Elara (18 years old)

I stared at the red neon sign thoughtfully.

"Red Raja"

I huffed, my lips pursed. What the fuck am I doing here? Alone? And on my birthday?

Oh I remember. Life has a funny way of laughing at me. Nothing new. I mean... I was already here so I might just enter.

Taking slow steps towards the rusty metal door, I casted a glance at the Hulk of a man that was checking the tickets of the long cue filled with impatient people. Impatient people who's eyes glared at me when they saw my intentions.

I turned around scratching my head. Fuck. I forgot I had no ticket. Amelia was supposed to get them. Well, she was also supposed to come but I don't see her sorry ass here. And I definitely won't see it.

My hands clutched my almost empty bag which only contained 20 bucks, my ID and my rock. My rock came in more handy than those bitches I called friends.

I wished somebody was here for me, such a pity Mario was staying with his mother. At least, in a better parallel universe, he would be here with me.

This day had been shit for me, and I wasn't about to let the night go for a couple of glances.

Alright, enough mopping around, it was 1 am in the morning, I would have fun by myself.

My steps were rapid towards the door, and just as the Hulk let a group of girls enter, I discreetly walked beside them. One of them flashed me a drunken smile and I sighed in relief, smiling back as colour lights surrounded us.

A bunch of faint complaints from outside reached my ears so I dodged as many grinding bodies as I could and made my way to the bar.

A blond man with a bun gazed at me with a questioning quirked eyebrow. I sighed and took out my ID along with the 20 bucks.

"Give me whatever you can with this." I shouted over the music, sliding the 20£ towards him but he was quick and took my ID.

His eyes went back and forth between the paper and my face. "Happy birthday." he said.

"Thanks." I answered with a tight smile.

"You won't get the good stuff with this, but a round of chupitos are on the way for the birthday girl and her friends. On the house." he smiled.

Gritting my teeth, I kept my smile until he turned around. With a serious expression, I peeked at my surroundings and it didn't look like anyone was looking for the petite girl who entered without a ticket, so I was fine for now.

I watched him pour the thick liquid in small glasses.

"That's all I can give you on the house, I hope you didn't bring that many friends." he chuckled.

I smiled at him, putting my things back on my small bag. "Don't worry about that."

He looked at me with a curious glint that turned into a shocked one as he saw me drink down the five shot glasses he had put in front of me.

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