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I stared at the ceiling above me with tired puffy eyes. The light from the morning was already shinning through, although, it must be the middle of the fucking day. It was the first time I felt like I'd slept like a fat baby. My mind seemed at peace.

The only one not content was my stomach who reminded me that I needed to eat something, growling every few minutes. I sat upright, dreaming about what my stomach needed: some sweet tasty toasts with butter and some warm chocolate.

This time the growl was close to becoming a scream that shook my body with vibration.

"I'm up, I'm up." I told myself as if we were two different people. "Shit, I'm hungry." I groaned, grabbing some clothes and sashaying to the bathroom to shower.

You see, yesterday when I went to sleep after not giving a fuck the whole afternoon and laying around watching TV, I thought about how Saturday would go by the exact same way. It being me without any human contact for the whole day, watching even more TV and working on homework I'd left behind.

I didn't want the normal type of Saturday which people used to go outside for a walk, go out with friends or go shopping. I wanted a lazy Saturday. I needed a lazy Saturday. I craved a lazy Saturday.

But you know what else I craved? I craved fucking food. And I'd be damned if I went to the dining room and sat surrounded by those ugly bitches who continued to give me the side eye. So my Saturday did a full one eighty. Crazy.

And here I am, showering, to get ready to go have a normal Saturday. But not so quite normal. I couldn't go out with friends since I had only a friend. Singular. But I would adjust a normal Saturday to my life.

I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes before tying my hair into two high buns, dressing and brushing my teeth. I caught sight of the slowly fading bruise in my eye and swallowed with difficulty. It looked like my skin was finding it hard to heal and return to its color, and for a second I was afraid of the wound leaving some kind of mark I'd need to stare at for the rest of my life. Hopefully not.

Applying some concealer to the discolored patch of skin, I thought about the way Friday had past by in a blur. Perhaps it was for the fun classes Marc and I had together. When I heard my name being called in a friendly manner for the first time ever when I walked into my second class of the day, I couldn't believe my eyes. Marc called me to his seat and we sat down together challenging with our glares everyone who would looked at us for too long. I knew 'no trouble' for me meant 'no expelling'. But laughing or talking in whispers in class was something that everyone did, it just seemed that when it was us doing it, it was a damn problem for our classmates. Luckily, our teachers weren't that biased and payed it no mind while others called us out like they'd do to others.

Marc being moved to other classes for hitting one of his old friends was the best thing that could have happened to my Friday.

At lunchtime, we bought some sandwiches in the cafeteria and cautiously walked to our hidden spot to sell. Not many came, therefore, most of the weed wasn't sold but we didn't took advantage of that either, and remembering Katya's word I convinced Marc to not smoke.

Then, we went back to class gloomily since we found out we didn't have that last class together. We assisted either way because it was better than staying outside in the cold.

When classes finished, I was pushed to the side by Rebecca and her clan as they advanced through the hall. I could have dragged her by her stupid hair and punched the other two square on the face for being followers. Still, I decided against it. They were not worth it, and I was flattered to know for a fact that their life revolved around me. Guess money didn't buy neurons.

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