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"There you go." I handed the quiet emo guy his three grams of green, taking his money in return. When I turned around he was no longer there, walking with quick steps out of the secret hideout. "Goodbye to you too, I guess."

I slumped against the wall, sinking to the ground while clutching my thin hoodie impossibly closer to my chest. What I would give to be able to sell this in a warm office... But no, instead, I had to stand here, in the freezing cold, waiting the whole lunch hour for some dumb fucks to come and collect what they ordered. I didn't even know who had ordered what because that is something he managed.

Sighing, I unconsciously checked the imaginary watch on my wrist. "This can't be fucking right." I whined, kicking my legs before bringing them closer to me so I could hug them, my ass was going numb but I preferred that rather than having my whole body acting as a human shield for the wind.

I had sincerely expected Marc to be here when I arrived at lunchtime. But he wasn't and that upset me a little bit. Did I enjoy his company? I don't know. Did I consider him my friend? I didn't fucking know either, I mean, did a person randomly share weed that he had bought with someone that wasn't his friend. That got me thinking. Glancing at my bag, I opened the zipper to glance at the few bags that remained inside. What would happen if I took some? I'd obviously need to pay and I would...

I clenched my fists, before taking a small rock and painting on the dry cold cement I was sitting on. I knew that it wouldn't work, I didn't have money and as I had so stupidly forgotten, Kyril knew every person that would buy each day. A random thought of me asking him entered my brain before quickly exiting. It would simply not work.

Heavy steady footsteps startled me and I glanced up to see a beaming Marc coming my way. I reflected his smile with a deep frown and without a word, put the schoolbag between my knees so he could sit by my side. He did, still with that smile I'd never seen on him before. It was not one of malice or taunting, it was a smile that projected the happiness that could not be put into words. Then, I realised. I lifted my brows in question and he lifted his with a smirk.

"You, bitch. You have to tell me everything!" I screamed not being able to control myself. "What did he say on the message? You fucked? Tell me!" I demanded, shaking his arm.

He laughed whole heartedly. "Yesterday, you didn't feel like talking to me that much and now look at you. You are sucker for gossip."

That struck a nerve. "I'm not interested in gossip, I'm interested in this gossip, you can't leave me hanging after I let you sulk like a donkey next to me. Your mood has changed and so has mine. Now tell me the tea, this day just got more interesting."

"How do you even know there's any tea, Elara?" He sassily retorted, peering at me from the corner of his eye, not even trying to hide his shy smile.

I glared at him. "You come in late, smiling like you just hit the jackpot and I know for a fact that there's only one jackpot in your mind." I playfully pushed him with force.

"Alright, alright, I'm guilty." he declared, adjusting his posture to sit comfortably, back leaning against the wall.

"Knew it." I whispered with victory, liking the feeling of talking to someone so freely. That thought brought some dread with it, some doubt that made my chest sink with rapidity, and the best feeling I'd had in weeks suddenly vanished.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He nudged me with his elbow. "You know with all this investigation, one would think you are starting to act like him." He laughed.

My eyes snapped to him. His smile wavered, stopping him as we stared at each other. "Don't ever compare me to him, I'm nothing like him. Got it, Marc?"

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