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He absently nodded. "Follow me."

Fuck no. My mind screamed at me to run but where to? Where could I go after everything I'd been told?

Humourless laughter threatened to escape my lips, my fingers itching to grab my roots while I sank to the floor and wept.

Everything I knew I had lost. Fucking everything. Maybe it'd been slipping from my fingers for a while now and I was too scared to notice. Maybe it was just inevitable.

"Come, Elara." I listened to his patient command.

I swallowed my hatred and my legs started moving on their own accord. I would not cry in front of London's monster. That was the last thing on my to do list.

Our footsteps could be clearly heard through the dim lit hallway we were going through. Flickering pale lights led the way through the long hallway ahead of us.

The monster walked before me, his threatening shadow eating every single door we passed. Black metal doors, just like the one we had exited.

An uneasiness settled on my stomach when the path seemed to make it self bigger, further away from us. As if every step we took was one step back.

It was difficult to breath the humid air, short pants started leaving my lungs. I fastened my pace, my feet were rapid in comparison to his steady ones.

He had always walked like that. Like he didn't have a care in the world, like there was absolutely fucking nothing that could go against him, that could stop him. He ruled this world of darkness, pain and stupid deals.

My life was changing, I was entering this dark aura and he was holding my hand while I did so.

Or maybe that is what I wanted to believe. It's okay, Elara. Sometimes it's better to stray from reality.

Maybe that is what I was doing all along with Martha. Maybe I wanted to believe that she really loved me, that someone had my back.

Stupid fucking-


My body froze.

I stopped breathing, I couldn't help it. My head slowly turned to the metallic door on my right.

It slightly flinched when what felt like a body collided against it.

"Please help me! I-I didn't do it, I didn't betray you! I fucking swear on- No! No! P-please." the man broke into loud sobs.

My feet were bringing me to the door but my attempt was cut short when a bruising grip grabbed my arm, bringing me into a hard embrace.

"Keep walking." a spiteful hiss.

I was pushed to walk, leaving the bent door behind. Screams followed our way out of there. They got lower and lower, their faint echo only now reaching our ears.

I walked fastly, not wanting to sense the looming presence behind me.

We finally reached some stairs. Please let it be a fucking exit. We went up, and up until there was light caressing my face.

A door opened and I instinctively closed my eyes, blinded by soft gleam and caressed by harsh wind.

But that didn't last long. A muffled gasp left my lips when a cloth was put over my head at the same time two muscular arms hugged my waist with force from behind.

"Stop your struggle, little one. Can't have you knowing my shady locations."

I shivered, nodding in acknowledgement. We entered a car, and soon were on a bumpy road. There was a moment were my head hit the window. Then there was another one.

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