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A frown settled on my brows because that voice behind me was faintly familiar. I hesitantly but steadily turned around and stared at the brunette before me. I remained silent, pursed my lips in thought before turning back around to put more food on my almost full plate.

She really felt familiar but that lightbulb inside my head had given up on me the moment I saw her cocky attitude.

"Are you starved or something?" one of her hands grasped my arm, nails digging into my flesh. My patience snapped and I snatched my arm away from her.

"Look, I don't know who the fuck you are, either you introduce yourself and tell me what you want or you leave me alone." my voice came out surprisingly calm, even as my glare caught many faces looking at whatever this girl wanted.

She scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her. And I still remained confused. Who was this bitch?

"You are right, you are right. I should introduce myself, silly me." she said with a smile that was far from sincere.  "I'm Ava, the bitch you hit with a fucking pan!" she screamed, taking a step closer to me.

Staring up at her, it finally clicked. Somebody should have stopped my ass from getting into a fight on my first day, but nobody did so I took that as a divine sign.

"Ohh, right! I remember you now, how could I ever forget that friendly face of yours. I'm sorry for that booboo." my voice was faker than the dark dye that tainted her hair.  "But what did you expect? Really? You came into my house, uninvited, told me that my family had left, and later chased me around. So I hit you with a pan. If you want me to apologise, I will if you want." I cleared my throat.  "I'm sorry I hit you with a pan for breaking into my home and threatening me, please forgive me Ava."

She smiled, but it only lasted for a second because in the next one, her hand sent my plate flying to the floor. I glanced at the now broken pieces that decorated the tiles.

Her hot breath entered my ear as she clutched my dirty clothes.  "Let me tell you something, you stupid orphan. I didn't break into your home, I broke into the house of the family that adopted you, the same family that run away because nobody wants you. You are alone, and just entered a big ass family where so far you aren't welcome-"

"Well, this isn't Barney and friends, Ava. I don't need anyone to kiss my ass to feel validated and I certainly don't need to gang up on someone to feel superior. As you have so kindly stated, nobody wants me, right? That tells you that I know how to take care of myself. Sad that I can't say the same about you." I grabbed her jacket bringing her closer to me and this time whispered.  "I don't need a pan to break your fucking head in two."

She openly glared at me and it was at this moment I realised that this girl hated me for more reasons than the one she was letting on. My hand discreetly reached for a plate I'd hit her with if she didn't let go of me in three seconds and counting.

3... 2...

Just as my fingers caressed the ceramic, we were pulled apart. Rax held a fuming Ava and angrily whispered something to her. Her eyes left me only to glare at him.  "Fuck you, Rax."

"Come with me, Elara."

I expected Rax to utter those words but was surprised to hear them from the man beside me whose presence I hadn't been aware of. My eyes met dark green orbs that complemented a blond bun this person that was also familiar to me sported. Yet, my posture relaxed near him.

"You are Katya?"

He nodded in acknowledgement, a little smile escaping him. "The same. Come, we will grab food elsewhere." he ushered me outside of the dining room.

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