Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near

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Chapter 3:

Don't think negative...

It wasn't my fault that she left and my friends don't hate me...

Breathe in, breathe out...

My name is Octavio Silva and I am 24 years old.

I am from Psamathe and I am annoyingly the heir of Silva Pharmaceuticals.

I can do this!


With a grenade, I blew up my own legs and won many times the apex tournament...

Natalie didn't left, because of me...

Natalie didn't left, because of me...

Natalie didn't...

„Octavio! Are you here?"

The person shook my shoulder and took me back to reality.

Confused, I looked around, where the person was, who interrupted my thoughts.

On my left side, was my meal and next to it, sat my visitor.

Now I realized, that it was lunch time and a friend is here.

„Hi, Ajay."

I carefully saw her reaction.

From a worried face, turned into a relieved smile.

„Come on, eat your food."

I simply nodded and turned towards my meal.

My friend helped me reaching it and put it on my bed table.

This was kind of part of my daily routine.

Eating, dealing with my thoughts, Lifeline by my side and helping me.

This went on for days now.

After the first day here, I slightly controlled my thoughts.

I stopped thinking about suicide and started eating a little bit.

But there were times, I still need a place to hide.

But I can't find one near.

I am still stuck in this room, that means, my negative thoughts won't completely go away.

The doctor suggested me, to go to the psychotherapist, but I always declined.

It will be a waste of time for me.

They can't help me.

Talking about my problems won't help.

It will make it worse and I know it.

If they would let me go, maybe I can heal myself.

Obviously, the doctors won't listen to me.

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