Even this moment has its own meaning

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Chapter 8:

A week passed and I finished my internship.

Surprisingly, business management and accounting are interesting.

It was actually fun working here.

The women, who kept an eye on us, meant that our squad is capable of the job.

When we all heard that, we celebrated and went with the whole group out.

I had such a great time and let's be real, I don't want to leave.

If I have to decide between the position of being an employee and a CEO, for sure employee.

In the past few days, I got kind of close with the team, mostly Oliver.

Obviously, he helped me most of the time, which I am grateful.

All I did was, treat him for lunch because, without his help, I would be done for.

So this week, we are not going to be interns anymore.

Now, we are employees, which means, we all won't see the woman any longer.

Right now, I am doing my tie and then I can head out to work.

My father told me, I should go to his office before I go to my unit.

As I was done, I checked if everything looked alright, then took my bag from my bed and went outside my bedroom.

Just like any other day, my chauffeur would wait for me, take my bag and we would be on our way to the company.

My friend is at the entrance, waving at me and we both went inside the building.

But for this time, I had to excuse myself, because I had to go to the CEO office.

I decided, that I shouldn't tell the whole truth.

Even though we are close, I still haven't told him, that I am the CEO's son.

For the whole time, I was looking for the right opportunity to tell him.

Maybe today is the day and I hope he still treats me like usual.

As it was time to go, we parted our ways.

„Don't get lost!"

When he shouted that, I turned around and gave him a grin.

My friend smiled me back and I turned towards the elevator.

The more I waited, the more people are coming.

A few seconds later, the elevator was here.

When I was inside, I pressed for the highest floor.

In the end, I was the only one who was left.

To find my father's office, it wasn't difficult.

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