Everyone is lonely sometimes, but I would walk a thousand miles to see your eyes

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Chapter 5:

A week passed, after coming back from the hospital.

Everything seemed alright.

I didn't get any nightmares or bad thoughts.

It's like, nothing happened.

Today was supposed to be a tournament, but it turned out, that it was canceled.

The weather was the issue and the game was postponed for tomorrow.

At least, I can go back to the arsenal and train a little bit.

As I was at the hospital, I am out of shape.

So for the entire day, I decided to go and work out.

Just like my usual daily routine, I woke up at around 7 a.m. and got ready.

I quietly went outside, since Bangalore was still sleeping.

Like expected, I was the first one to get there.

Everyone would be still sleeping, that means the entire training area is mine.

First, I did my warm-ups and then started my regular work out.

Time passes and a few people are coming in.

Every time they see me, they greet me and I greet them back.

A few hours later and the people, who usually come here, are there.

Before lunch, I finished my final exercise and went back to the apartment.

When I was in the living room, I saw Bangalore going out of her room.

She saw me and asked me if I would eat with the others.

I simply nodded and she first went out, since I have to take a shower.

Back in my room, I threw my training bag on the floor and took my new clothes.

I checked if I have everything that I needed and then I straightly went to the bathroom to wash.

Finally clean from all the sweat, I brushed my teeth and made sure, that I at least look presentable.

Only a few steps out of the bathroom, I realized something.

Where did the letter go?

I was looking in my entire room like in the wardrobe, under my bed and even behind the TV.

Nowhere, it's like it was gone.

It's not like, someone threw it away.

Hopefully not, after all, Natalie wrote this, only for me.

Even though this letter is sad, in any case, this was something personal.

I even save all the fan letters, that I get.

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