When I close my eyes in the darkness, there's your light

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Chapter 7:

Today would be my first internship day at my father's company.

Actually, this is the first internship in my entire life.

When I left home, I immediately made stunt videos and then, later on, participated in the apex tournament.

By the way, before I went to sleep, my father visited my room and told me all the details for today.

My father insisted on getting me a personal trainer, but I declined.

Just because I am the son of the CEO, doesn't mean that I could get extra treatment.

First, I should learn, what the employees do and get a better understanding of the company.

A CEO should look after the employees, right?

Hold on.

No, I shouldn't take that seriously.

My mission is to get Natalie.

Nothing more.

A knock on my bedroom door interrupted my thoughts.

In front of me stood a maid, mentioning me that breakfast was already prepared.

I thanked her and went with her downstairs.

My parents were already at the dining table and start their breakfast.

As they saw me, they greeted me with a big smile.

I automatically smiled them back and I took a seat.

Near my father's side, there was a newspaper.

The headline had something with apex but I couldn't completely see it since on top of it, were lots of papers.

Looks like work papers from father's company, because there were a few graphs displayed.

Still trying to decipher what these all mean, a maid came over and brought my food on the table.

We all quietly ate our food in peace, which made the whole room so quiet.

To be honest, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable and having maids near us, doesn't make the entire situation any better.

Compared to yesterday lunchtime, this is awkward.

When my father was done with his breakfast, he took all the papers from the table and gave mom a small kiss on the cheek.

I thought he would straightly go for the door, but instead, he gave me a small pat on my left shoulder and gave me a bright smile just like earlier.

„Perhaps, see you later, hijo."

Happily, I gave him a smile and said „si".

As I was done with eating, I looked at the clock, that was on the wall.

Luckily, the internship will start in two hours, that means I have plenty of time.

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