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"Our paths crossed that special day,

When I saw you I knew there 's no way,

My heart beat raced up,

And your light brightens me up.

The Moon shines upon the sky,

And I am the Star who is high,

Everything changed in the blink of an eye.

As you suddenly passed me by... "

Luna was home all alone wondering where the girls could be. Atsuki left her notebook open with some unfinished lyrics for an unknow song. Well we all know that there is a saying curiosity killed the cat. I can assure she wasn't going to die, it's just she was curious to snoop a bit around, Atsuki being the new girl, she wanted to make sure she was okay. She left her scrapbook open she had some of the lines crossed over, some of the words erased, some rewritten. Her eyes took in the lyrics of the song and she had a strange feeling while reading it. "These lyrics are strange... And that wasn't the only thing that was strange.. Let me see!" She started playing the detective all of the sudden, but she was interrupted by the girls coming home." I'de better get out of here, before they see me.. "So she had to quickly hide or better yet, she pretended to be asleep.. She laid down on the bed closed her eyes and she hoped for the best.

" Usagi... I found Luna, she is here in my room, sleeping.. "

" What is she doing here? "

" Maybe she just needed a new place for a nap."

"Maybe.. Here let me take her away..."

"Usagi.. Thank you for this great day.i really enjoyed it.. I think even the girls had a friends are very nice people, even Rei, although she is a bit on fire."

"Hahaha.. Yeah she is. I am glad you enjoyed yourself. See you tomorrow."


"Goodnight." Atsuki sit down on her bed, she wanted to finish that song she started, but unfortunately she suffered from a lack of inspiration. Maybe a good bath will help her relax and the ideas will start popping up into her mind, like they usually do.

As soon as Luna and Usagi of them left her room, the black cat opened up her eyes.

"I see you are awake. Just what we're. You doing in Atsuki's room?!"

"Sleeping of course..." Luna said blushing. "Were you snooping around?"

"Me?! How dare you accuse me?" she acted offended.

"I know you... You never went to that room before.."

"Oh.. I.. Well.. Okay...Maybe... A bit... I just wanted to make sure.. I just feel like. Something is not okay with that girl..."

"Luna.. She is just a simple girl, and she is very nice, you don't have nothing to worry about I am sure.." Usagi told her to stop by any means snooping around.

"I am sorry.. I promise you never to snoop around.." Although those lyrics, when I read them something inside me.. Maybe my imagination went wild. "

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