New Moon Princess

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"How could you fail, again?"

"I am sorry!"

"I am surrounded by idiots!"

"That girl's voice draws the attention, of the Crystals. You should have seen how it followed her."

"What girl? "

"Those other Starlights."

"Starlights! The one who draws them supposed to wear the symbol of the Moon."

"This one doesn't, she is just a Starlight, insignificant."

"Strange...Next time if you fail, it will be your end as well. I can find servants at any corner of this freaking hell." Dementia got closer to her evil senshie, grabbing her by the jaw. "You have one more chance. If you blow it then...You will be blown away permanently. Now go!" she started yelling like crazy, every soul around stopped doing what they were doing, their gaze was hooked on the evil persona in front of them.

"Why are you so upset?" the Oracle followed her.

"She told me she will send me an image of that girl. I have waited and waited but nothing. I feel the weakness..."

"You know you are talking about yourself?"

"The future me, yes... Am I this weak in the future? Somehow I have to boost my energies up."

"Being strong in the present, will make you strong in the future."

"I have to get some Crystal to feed on their light. Not the Crystal of these humans...The light is weak .. I will be off for a small hunt on other planets.

"You should go and do that." the Oracle watched her leave when the dark-haired girl turned around.

"Tell me Oracle how come you can't see the future?"

"Because the love of a Starlight changed the way everything should be...The future is still uncertain."

"At least I could break loose from this place. And I swear to get my hands on every solar soldier's Crystal. I will rule the world." with that she was gone. The Oracle watched her flee, unnoticed to distant, insignificant planets to feed on the light of others, turning light into darkness. What did this hunt really mean? Dementia to pass by unnoticed by the guardians of the planet she wanted to attack destroy, she pretended to be an innocent hurt warrior. Her fragile age made it possible for everyone to believe her story. To make it all more credible, she caused herself some bruises. It was almost as if she enjoyed hurting herself. Now her next target was planet Nebula. It was a small planet at the end of the Milky Way. The ones living here were mainly peaceful. Once she was in the atmosphere, she pretended to have been attacked.

"Who are you?" the guardians rushed to the place where the innocent looking young girl landed.

"I am...Princess Etsudo. My home planet was attacked by evil queen Dementia."

"You do look like someone who indeed needs of some serious help." the guardian helped her up, she could barely control her thirst, for energy, but she was patient. "I shall lead you in front of our ruler and he is very generous."

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