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"So..." Usagi went on teasing the Starlight.

"So..."Seiya just followed her like a puppy.

"I can't wait to get back at the hotel."


"Seiya...You know why?"she laughed.

" I don't want to get you in trouble..."

"Seiya..You didn't do anything wrong... My feelings for you...are..well strong...We have to face this somehow..."

"But still...I.."

"Let's just not talk about this, not tonight..."

" you wish..." Seiya knew yhat at ine point they had to talk about it, but there was no use reasoning with Usagi.

"Odango. Aren't you cold?" she was afraid that the blonde will catch a nasty cold.

"Nah...I am all warmed up from this walk. Hey Seiya..."


"I was wondering...What is Kinmoku like?"

"Kinmoku is amazing, once again thanks to you. We have been working hard to restore it's beauty. Slowly we managed to save the fauna and vegetation. The Princess and her powers made, the olive scented planet come back to life. It has three Moons, that circle around the planet. I used to look outside my window and gaze up on them, always thinking about..."


"You!" came the firm answer.

"Is it far away from Earth?"

"It is...but you know something."


"It is said that love, is so powerful that when you think of Kinmoku, or someone who lives there , your heart will show you the way."

"That is nice. Is it true?"

"Why do you ask?" the Starlight was searching to meet her beautiful , she just wanted to get lost in them.

"Just curious. You know me."

"Why are you sad again?"

"I suddenly had a feeling." The chills, she felt the chills runnig doen her spine. It was wierd, but tried not to pay to much attention to it.

"A feeling?"she narrowed her eyes.

"Forget it. It must be the wet clothes I am wearing."


"Hey..." Seiya lifted Usagi up, putting her down on the edge of a felt elevated by her presence.

"I want to give you something."she said seriously. Seiya reached inside her pocket, she kept her surprise well hidden all was a small surprise, a gitft she wanted to hand over Usagi since they arrived. Initially as gift for a friend, never expecting to ever be so close to her, to be more than friends. Still this seemd like a dream, but in reality it was more than real, a reality that was about to change everyones life. This dream the two of them were living in was about to turn in to something else.

"Me?" she said, as if there was someone else around them.

"Yes...Before everything..."

"What is it?"

"This..."she took it out.

"A box?" Yes it was a small ted box with a little pink ribbon on the top. Usagi was lloking at it confused, but excited at the same time.

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