Mad love..

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Mad love or obsessed love is something burtched in itv industry . I mean it started on a fav point but creators of itv don't have enough talent to fully copy from old english shows but must say they try in  beginning 🙄 but here suppose ragini our innocent obsessed lover 😚 fell in love with sanskar 🤔 who is not mad just acting but still vengeful and all ..

Sounds familiar 😧

Okay let's cut my silly talks and head into in plot 😌

Before laksh and                 swa------------ marriage swara proved  her point that sanskar is not mad and just acting who in anger openly challenge all that if they can then stop him and jumped on durga parsad choking him but laksh , adarsh, ram and shekhar tare him apart from dp and dp send sanskar  in jail , this all witnessed by ragini who cry seeing all this 😭

Sanskar taken to jail where he got beaten by police and his anger instigate for revenge 😡  next day one person come to meet him and hawaldaar said that she paid money for his release to inspector.  Sanskar thought it must be his mom on the mention of  " She "  so he go to visitors room to meet her but got shocked when ragini come and hug him tightly saying well chanting ' I love you sanskar ' well this is a big shock for him .

He broke their hug and ask making distance between them " say what ? You jumped on me hugged me like I'm your long lost lover what's this ragini ? No body known of our is here so why you acting differently ? " 
Ragini smile seeing him like got most precious thing of her life 😄 cupping his face say  " I'm not acting differently sanskar, this is my real self I love you ❤ I fell in love with you 😍 "

Sanskar let out a sadistic  laugh ask  " really then what about your  love for laksh ? "

Ragini smirk 🙄 " I never love him nor interested in him he is too dumb but I act to be mad after him becoz if I don't then you'll never accept me in your plan and don't be my partner but  truth is I really love you sanskar " 

And she hugs him again leaving him all confused at this moment 😶😶😶

That day sanskar lost his name sake family but earned a mad cute lover ❤❤❤❤ who can go to any length in his love ❤❤❤❤

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