Love and War... or Just War? Part Four

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Check out the video on the side. Womp Womp Womp. gotta love that Dubstep. I feel like the beat of the song fits this pretty well anyways.

Love and War... or Just War?

Part Four

We drove for the rest of the day. Me and Adam reminiscedthe good times with our parents, and some good times with friends. In school we were both fairly popular. We had a lot of friends in school, but they were all so fake. We hung out with a small group outside of school that we considered our closest friends. We felt guilty for leaving them, not saying good bye... but we both knew we couldn't have, it would have hurt too much.

It was getting darker and darker outside and we knew we were getting close. "What do you think were supposed to do when we get there rain? where are we supposed to go? do you think will there be others?" I could here his hysterics in his voice, even though he kept on a poker face. He was scared, but he didn't want to show that to me so i pretended like I didn't notice. "I'm not exactly sure, but I think we'll know more the closer we get. I'm sure he'll have someone directing people, I'm sure there will be others, Adam, I know it." and with that we fell into a comfortable silence.

We were a mile outside the capital city on the highway and we were already hitting traffic. I sighed, feeling a little relieved that others listened to his message and came too. I looked over to Adam, about to say something when i realized he was asleep. I figured I'd let him nap until we get closer, he'll need the rest.

Once we got inside the area surrounding our capital, the chaos began. I shook Adam until he jolted awake. He looked around and gasped....

!@#$%^&*ADAMS POV*&^%$#@!

I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew what was going on was terrible but seeing it up close like this made me sick. I instantly regretted my decision to come here, I knew once we got out of the car me and rain would be seperated. I can't believe I won't be around to protect her, she's so short and helpless, she'll never make it. I tried to change my train of thought before the tears pricking at my eyes fell over. I had to be strong for rain.

"I know this looks bad, but i have a feeling that this was the right choice Adam." I looked at my sister shocked. How could she be so calm about this? Everything could end badly, she could die. What if she isn't chosen to live? I guess if she has faith, then I will too.

There were sirens sounding off everywhere, too many flashing lights to count, you could barely even tell what direction they were coming from. When we parked the car and got out, we were shoved roughly to the side to follow in line behind the others. Everyones heads were down, and you could here loud cries. I looked up and to the right and noticed a sign that said express lane, and a long line. I shuddered when i realized what it was. The people in that line didn't want to live in the world like this so they chose to die. You could feel the sadness and the tension in the air weighing you down. I grabbed rains hand reassuringly as we walked inside the building.

!@#$%^&*Mirandas POV*&^%$#@!

When we walked inside it was bare empty, all the furniture taken out. the windows were boarded up and the only thing you could see was the ocean of people waiting on what to do. There was a stage-like structure near the front so i grabbed Adams arm and drug him with me through the crowd to get a better look.

About half an hour later a loud noise erupted through the building and the crowd fell silent. Victor lex appeared on a screen that rose from the stage and began to speak. "The day has come to an end, my people and now it is your time to decide are you with me, or against me? and yound healthy men who wish to join my army please make your way forward and await specific instruction." Victor quit speaking, but he was still on the screen. I guess he was waiting for those who were going to join them to make their way up. I looked over and nudged Adam. He wiped the tears on my cheek that I didn't know i shed. He pulled me into a long tight hug and said "Rain, please be safe. Try to stay alive okay? I love you so much and I wan't you to know I am so lucky to have someone like you as a sister. You're truly special. I promise I'll find you later rain. I love you, good bye." by the end of his little speach his eyes were red and tears started to fall. He quickly pulled himself together and gave me a nother small hug before walking up towards the stage where the others gathered. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be to join him, but it was still a large amount. It pained me to know my brother was now considered the enemy.

A big man called out for the group to follow him into another room, a low murmer was the only sound you coould here. Adams eyes stayed locked with mine as he left. When he was out of sight, I sobbed harder. I really hope I will see him again. Victor's laugh startled me, it was so loud and menacing. I almost forgot that he was still on the screen. I then wondered if there were cameras so he could see us from where he was. "The selection will begin in 3 days, at the end of the week. for now you will stay here and wait for the others to arrive. For those of you who are chosen to live, women over the age of 18 will be expected to marry and have kids. The sooner the better, and the easier life will be for you. That is all for now good bye." and then the screen went blank.

I looked around and found a young woman staring at me. She gave me a sheepish smile and started to walk towards me. "Hi, I'm Alicia." i stuck out my hand and introduced myslef. She spoke again "My husband just walked off with you're btother, we were only married a year, i hope they'll be okay. What do you think?" I looked at her and stayed quiet for a minute not knowing how to answer, honestly I thought they were in a much safer position than us. "If your husband is anything like my brother, then they will be just fine." She smiled and nodded.

The rest of the week went by kind of fast. Me and Alicia spent our time together. it felt good to have someone to go through this with since my brother wasn't here anymore. I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Three more large groups of people came through and the room got uncomfortably full. Some more soldiers were recruited at the end of the night and we were told to go to sleep immediatley because tomorrow would be the day that would decide my fate.

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