Love and War... or Just War? part two

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Currently listening to- A Day To Remember

Their new album is sickkk and I've been listening to it since a week before it came out. Its way better than their last one "homesick" but not as good as "For those who have heart" so any body who hasn't checked them out please do... "What separates me from you"

Love and War... or Just War?

Part 1

I woke up the same way i do every morning. I rolled over and banged my hand around on my night stand until the screeching noise stopped. I looked around my room and i realized things were too quiet, considering the situation the world is in. I swung my feet over the side and dug my feet into my cozy slippers and trudged down the stairs. I turned into the living room and seen my dad sitting with his head in his hands and my mom sobbing silently and I knew our time has come. I looked around in search for my brother and noticed him in the kitchen eating cereal. I made myself a bowl and motioned for my brother to follow me.

We sat down on the couch and waited patiently for our parents to speak. Within the last 5 years, a man named Victor lex who likes to be referred to as God has taken over each and every country leaving the most powerful ones for last, building his army up as he goes. He has hand picked 100 people in every region and murdered everyone else. There were more than 100 that got to love though, the ones who agreed to be loyal and join the army to fight for him were kept alive, under strict watch and rules until they proved they were strong, loyal, and "worthy". It's sick to see how many people who actually agreed with this man and gave up their lives willingly, or were honored to be chosen to live by him. He preached visions of a "new world" promising a better economy and a better future. A few weeks ago he officialy conqured Japan and...

I was jolted from my thoughts when my dad spoke. "They've reached Washington D.C., all hell is breaking loose...I...I don't...know what to say...what we should do...I just don't know." I heard my mom cry harder, and my tounger brother crawled up in a ball on my lap. "We need to split up, honey, take care of you're brother. Me and your father have to go, don't you understand? you 2 have a much better chance of living then we do. were getting old and you know he's trying to build a strong army nation. we will run as far and try to hide, there is a few others who agree and are going to come with us. We'll hide and i hope we make it." My moms voice broke off in the end. They both looked at me expectantly and i nodded at them knowing i couldn't speak or I would break down in tears. I cant believe this is really happening. it seems so unreal.

I took in my parents appearances. My dad was about 6 foot tall with naturally tanned skin and black hair, you can see the gray coming through. He has blue eyes, they used to be so full of life and excitement... but now they were a dull gloomy pale blue. My mom was short, at about 5 foot 3. she had short blond hair that angled to the front. her eyes were a gray green, and her skin was fair. They were both beautiful people, they were highschool sweethearts. I was happy they have eachother to get them through this. I handed them a few pictures of my brother and I assured them we will find a way to make contact, but that they needed to leave now before the attackers left washington and started killing everybody and keeping those who seem worthy. We all cried, hugged and comforted eachother for a little while longer before they walked out of the door, out of our lives for an unknown time, possibly forever... I was devastated

I took my brother back inside and comforted him on the couch. He is 16 and I am 18, but i feel like a 5 year old all over again. too young and too helpless, but i wouldnt let my brother and my parents down... I had a plan.

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