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so i had 84 reads on the first part, butr ended up with only 18 on the last one.  It's whatever though. I feel like writing so I'm gonna update.  Got a new story coming before christmas, hopefully it will be more successful... anyways...

check the music on the side, like always!  This is one of my favorite songs.

part 8


I woke up feeling better than I have in the past few weeks.  With a lot going on, I wasn'y sleeping properly and I was always anxious.  it felt good to be back in a normal sleeping pattern, I'm sure Ethan contributed to that a lot... or was it my dream about ashe?

I barely knew him but all i could see was his icey blue, beautiful eyes on the most precious little girl with deathly pale skin and platinum hair.  she was beautiful, and in my dream I was her mother.

It was so weird dreaming about a future like that.  it all seemed so real, can dreams come true? was it a premonition?  It seemed unlikely considering I have NO CLUE what to expect now that we've been stripped of our freedoms.

I know I had to marry, and I had to marry soon but i had Ethan right? I know he would do anything for me, he cares about me now despite our past because all that we had now was our future.  everything previous felt like a glorious dream.

When I got up to go take a shower, Ethan was still asleep.  When i got out, there was a piece of paper in his spot.

"uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss, baby."

I stared at it, I guess I was hoping from some clarification.  I had a feeling it came from a song but I couldn't put my finger on it.  I put it to the back of my mind, I'd ask later.  right now I was more excited to put on some clothes from my new wardrobe.

I walked in and looked around trying to figure out what I wanted to wear today.  I was feeling musical so i decided on a band tee.  I looked at the ones they had brought me, I felt like I had every musicians shirt in my closet. it was in alphabetical order. I was going through thr b's when i came across a bloodhound gang shirt.  It was like that little lightbulb that pops over peoples heads when i realized the not from this morning.  Uhn tiss was a bloodhound gang song.  we always used to put them on when we were in a good mood, but we havent had good times in a while.  

I smiled stupidly to myself.  Ethan was so good to me.  I need to push Ashe out of my head, the only thing that drawn me to him was his mysterious attitude, i decided hesitantly.

I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote 

"Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo"

I pulled the bloodhound gang shirt on and a pair of gray skinnies.  I decided to wear a colorful scarf, a black military jacket, and some angle boots.  I was in a good mood, and I always tried to reflect it in my appearance.  I went to the dresser and braided 2 strands of hair and pulled them across like a headband, applied mascara, gray eyeshadow, and peach lipgloss.

When I got down stairs and Ethan was waiting at the bottom with a stupid smile.  He looked good.  He had on black skinny jeans, not the girl kind, the ones that were still a little loose around the leg. He had on a navy blue v-neck and navy blue checkered vans.  he looked good, you could see the top of his chest tattoo through his shirt.  all of his tattoos were sexy... but that one...yea...

I was anxious for breakfast.  Wondering if I'll see Ashe, wondering if he'll speak to me.  We took our seats and waited for breakfast to start.  I pointed at something to make Ethan turn his head so i could slip my note under his plate.  He wouldnt see it till the servents came and picked up our empty dishes.

I tried to focus on what Ethan was talking about but I was too busy looking for Ashe.  I couldn't find him anywhere.  When breakfast was over, Ethan looked at his note and smiled.  he leaved over and gently put his lips on mine. for just those few seconds, I didn't even remember who Ashe was.

ONly for those few seconds though....

When breakfast was over, We were told that we were able to look around today "in boundaries" and that if we tried to escape or leave, we would be killed immediatley.  I tried to pretend everything was normal in my head, but that brought reality crashing back down on me. 

Ethan tried to put his arm around me, but I shrugged him off.  He gave me a hurt look "Ethan, I have a lot on my mind today, I'm trying to be okay, but this is all too much for me, I dont know how you're doing it."  He nodded, kissed my forehead and walked in the opposite direction.

Hopefully a walk, and some time a lone will help me sort my head out.

I pulled out the cellphone that they had provided for us and looked to see if it had Ashe's number in it.  Surprisingly, it did.  I pressed send.

It rang for a while, and I was about to hang up when his naturally husky voice came in on the other end.

"I had a ffeeling you would call me, Rain."

"Ashe look... can you meet me somewhere?  I'm bored and I wanna look around and I figured you could show me around and all cause I know you know a lot more than I do, not saying that I'm dumb cause im not its just that I dont know whats here and.. oh my God im rambleing"

He chuckled "Turn around"

I did and he was incredibly close.  too close.  how did I not hear him come up? How come I didn't hear his voice right behind me when he spoke into the phone? Something was up.

I took an uneasy step away avoiding his gaze.  He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him wrapping an arm around my waist pushing me to his body.  He bent his head down to my ear and bit it softly.  I jumped a little bit, shocked.  He chuckled "Where too miss?"

I tried to smile, but I'm pretty sure I failed.  I was completley nervous, completley creeped out.

"uhm... is there like any... uhm.... anything fun... to you know... do?"

"ofcourse ma'dam, follow me" he said smirking.  he enjoyed my unwasyness.  We walked out a side door and the room we entered was SO BRIGHT! i mean VERY bright.  when my eyes adjusted I realized we were outside.  oh my god... outside...

My smile fell a little bit when I realized there were guards and snipers up in towers surrounding the area, but still we were allowed to go OUTSIDE!

There were basketball courts and soccer goals.  there were sports equipment and an empty blacktop.  Everything seemed so... masculine.  I looked around the other side and i got excited.  there were gym mats and trampolines, volleyball nets and a huge swimming pool.

Ashe's phone rang and he looked at me apollogetically. 

"I'm sorry love but I must go"

Just like that he was gone

He still lingered in my mind.

But so did Ethan.

What the hell am I going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2010 ⏰

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