Part 7

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okay, so I'm getting reads, but still no feedback

so Im just going to pretty much put this on hold and upload when I feel like it.  I thought of another idea for a story today, so I might brainstorm that some more and start it after exams in a few weeks, but probably sooner cause I'll use it as a reason to procrastinate and not do my homework, haha anyways....  I dont know yet.  heres the last part for now.

Check the stuff on the side! picture && video

i swear its the yummiest picture of channing tatum EVERRRRR, and hes gonna be the new guy (;

!@#$%^&*(MIRANDA POV)*&^%$#@!

I looked over to Ethan to see if he noticed our little exchange, he was eating his breakfast happily in daydream land.  I have him my best "WTF" look when he looked up at me.  "What Rain? I know you missed me but you dont have to stare"  I looked down trying not to blush.  He was right, I did miss him.  After breakfast we were told to go back up and spend the day in our huts waiting on out things to arrive, and then settle in.

There was absolutley nothing to do.  All I had to do was sit inside my room and just stare into nothingness.  I heard a knocking sound, not from my door but outside.  I got up and walked over and seen Ethan waving at me like a maniac.  "What the hell are you doing Ethan?"  "I just missed you." he said with a seductive smirk on his face.  I rolled my eyes and turned aound.  before I took a step i felt something soft hit me right in the but.  I turned around to glare at him but he was already gone.

I sighed and picked up the wad of paper he through at my back.  I uncrumpled it and smiled.  We used to play this song lyric game.  Everytime one of us made eachother feel a weird way we couldnt explain, we would find a song and write down lyrics on a piece of paper and leave it for the other one.

"You do something to me that I can't explain.

So would I be out of line if I said I miss you?"

Ah, my favorite incubus song.   This was really sweet of him.  I've loved him for so long, but I cant get the nagging feeling out of the back of my head.  Something didn't feel right, like I wasn't supposed to be with him.  That didnt make me love him any less though.  It started to piss me off the more I thought about it, he never wanted me like this before all this crap happened and now he was bowing at my feet.  He didnt want anyone to know a lot about us before, and it always hurt me so much.  But now all those people were... probably dead... and he wants me now. 

i searched around the room trying to find paper and a pen, he had found some, it has to be in here somewhere.  I found it in my nightstand drawer and started to right the first song that came to mind

"How can I decide whats right when you're clouding up my mind?  I cant win your losing fight all the time"  - decode by paramore.

I heard loud footsteps coming up to my door so I quickly threw it over to his window and waited for one of the guards to come in.  I hope josh understoon my message.  i wasn't trying to be mean or push him away, I just needed a little space to think clearly.  I'm already ina terrible situation, with no family or friends, I dont need to go and make things worse.

I heard the door open and my head snapped up.  It was the hott guy from breakfast.  He smiled a kind genuine smile and placed a small kiss on my hand bowing slightly.  "Hello Ma'am, I have your things for you."  My mouth dropped at all the clothes.  I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, victor had control over everything around here he could send guards to the mall and take what they please.  "Thanks so much, this is great" I said.  He nodded and smiled "If theres a problem with anything let me know and I will fix it right away.  I know these clothes will due you fine for now but if youre ever in need of something new, I will be happy to get something for you."  I just nodded not sure what to say.  He took a step closer.  my face was n his chest and his legs were up against my knees.  He looked down at me "May I have your name, miss?" "M-my name is, uh, Miranda... uhm call me Rain."  He looked pleased with himself and bent down to my level, our faces inches apart.  "Im General mathews, but you can call me Ashe." emphasizing the YOU.  He put both hands on the bed leaning forward like he was going to kiss me.  I leant back in response.  He was inching close till our lips barely touched when a knock came to my door.  He snapped up straight and blushed, it was really cute.  "I.. uh.. I...should go, I'll see you around Rain."

When Ashe opened the door to step out, Ethan was standing there in the door with an angry expression.  He walked in and laid down next to me pulling me to his chest.  "What was he doing here so long? He wasnt the same guy that brought me my things.  He gives me the creeps Rain."  I didn't respond.  It wasn't his business and he knew it. it was awkward for a long silence, but he didn't release his hold on me.  "I got your note." he said in a voice thick with lust.  great, I thought.  This isn't what I need right now.  I ALWAYS give in to hime.  I swear he just knows me so well.

I scooted away from him as nonchalantly as I could.   Shit.  He noticed.  "Rain whats wrong, I could tell from the note that you need space but all we have is eachother, I cant be without you now, please babe dont make me stay away from you."  I didn't know what to say.  He was finally opening up to me, which is all I ever wanted from him, but the timing was all wrong.  Did i even feel the sme about him anymore?  He's linked to me somehow, I can feel it in my bones.  we are so right for eachother, but when do I ever do whats right for me?

Ashe, he was so... different.  What made him so sexy was how formal and serious he was.  IM sure I'd get over it soon, he wasn't my type either, but he was hella good to look at.  I wonder when I'll see him again... I kind of hope its soon... I think? maybe?  I dont know.  I hope i can spend some time with Ethan tonight.  I need to get my feelings in check.

"Do you want to stay the night with me Ethan?"  He looked shocked for a minute, I gues sbecause we stayed in an long awkward silence while i sorted out my thoughts.  He thought I was going to reject him. Silly boy, he knows I could never.  "Ofcourse, I would be honore" he said with a stupid smile.  I crawled a little closer to him, playfully and started to take his shirt off.  He smirked in response and threw it on the floor.  Before he could grab me, I jumped up grabbed the T-shirt and ran into the bathroom.  I striiped down till I was just wearing my underwear and put his shirt on.  it was 3 sizes bigger than me so it fell right below my but.  It was just long enough.

"Sorry love, i needed something to sleep in" I said with a smirk on my face.   Ethan just chuckled and laid down in bed.  He was still chuckling while i got under the covers.  I gave him my WTF face and he just laughed harder.  I rolled my eyes and scooted closer too him....

........"WHAT THE HELL ETHAN WHY ARENT YOU WEARING ANY CLOTHES?" i screamed at the top of my lungs.  He faked a pout and said "Awh your no fun" while he slipped his boxers back on.  It was only about 6 o clock so I asked him what we could do.  He wiggled his eyebrows at me "well we could exercise." Oh what a perv.  I just smacked him in the stomach and got up to go turn on the TV to see what would happen.

The movie Avatar was just beginning so we decided to just lay and watch it.  Somewhere near the end, I fell asleep, into sweet dreams of Ashe.

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