Part 6

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Still no comments or votes *...sigh...*

I'm not gonna ask, or beg for votes cause i dont really care about that so much right now.  This is my first story and I want some kind of feedback.... like anything.  send me hate mail for all i care.  I just need to know something so after this part I'm gonna do one of 2 things...

I'm either gonna say screw the description of the story, change it around and give it a rushed ending or i will just put it on hold and sii if i will resume i in the future.

any thoughts, comments on that?

what about the music im attaching? liking it, hating it? heard it before?  ANYTHING at all in a comment will make me eternally grateful.  The song on the side this time fits this chapter well.


pic of Miranda on the side

!@#$%^&*(ETHAN POV)*&^%$#@!

I got settled in my room after I talked to the guy who rudely barged into my room.  He gave me the heebie jeebies and he smelt like shit.  I knew he was going to head over to Rains hut next.  Rain... wow I can't believe she's alive.  I was thinking about her and it broke my heart to think i was never going to see her face again, and i almost wished I wouldn't have been chosen to live.   We have been on again and off again for 2 years now and I was completley in love with her.  We slipped up a lot and we havent officially dated in 8 months, we were "best friends" I would always get jealous over her other guy friend, oh... whats his fuck face I dont know, dont care.  I hated myself for it. she deserved so much better than me.  She doesnt even know who I really am, everything she knows about me are lies... lies just to impress her.  Almost everytime we have broken up was because one of my truths were revealed to her.  I can tell she felt betrayed cause i was lying to her, but when i sen her I had to have her, and now... now I know I dont deserve her.  Recently, before all this mess we got in a really big fight in a desperate attempt to push her away, we were "slipping up" a lot lately and I coouldn't have her being in love with me too.  She deleted and blocked me from facebook and ignored all of my calls and texts.  I felt horrible.  I was such a dick to her.  I lured one of the girls she hated most to my house and seduced her.  Let the girl text her and start drama, and jsut tear her world apart.  And when she came to me disappointed in what I done all I could tell her was "atleast I got my dick wet" I dont know why I said that, because I didn't.

Me and Rain had gotten close again and I had to do soemting to push her away.  I wasnt built for marriage and Rain knows this.  I told her, and i plan to keep my word, that I would never get married.  BUT, I know the women here are forced to get married and have babies.  I didn't want that, I dont care how much I loved her I just refuse to do it.  It made me feel sick at the thought of her doing all those things with someone else though.

I figured the guy was done talking to rain already so i decided to go talk to Rain.  I had to get a few things off my chest.  I looked around, there had to be a easier way to get tp her hut without climbing down the ladder and then climbing right back up her. I could tell that this was going to get exhausting being so high up.  i noticed a slim bridge, it seemed to connect all the huts on this level.  It only had one rope to hold on to and guide you across.  I guess they really didn't care if you fell to you demise.  Then again, It's not like we were here by choice.  I could tell Victor was trying to make a desperate attempt at popularity amongst his hostages... hostages I think is a good word for us.  I looked to the bright side though... some of the greatest leaders the world has ever had were feared leaders.  I mean, most of the people on that list were considered completely psycho, but they successfully did what they set out to do right? And i guess that isn't so bad because it's not like we were being threatened to be hurt or killed.

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