cheryl and toni at thistlehouse

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A/N: Hello, I'm just putting this up for people if they want to read. It's the first choni fic I ever wrote. I started writing it and posting it to AO3 last summer, so not everything is exactly compliant with what's canon on the show, but mainly based on my own headcanons for choni. I won't be doing any kind of update schedule with it, I'm just posting all the chapters as soon as I can.


"Welcome home," Cheryl smirked a bit as she stood in the doorway of Thistlehouse. The house belonged to her and her beloved Nana Rose now that she'd been emancipated. And one of the first things on her to-do list was to give her girlfriend a proper home. No more couch surfing for Toni Topaz, no matter how much the pink-haired girl insisted that she was used to it and didn't want to impose.

Speaking of Toni, she gave Cheryl the most grateful smile as she hiked her duffel bag higher on her shoulder, moving across the threshold and into the gothic style house. She sent a slight wave to Nana Rose, who was sitting in her chair at the end of the hall. "Thanks again, Cher," she said quietly. She wasn't used to the silence. Back at Sunnyside, it was constantly noisy at all times of the day. But Thistlehouse was nestled along the edge of Riverdale, the only house around for at least a mile.

"No need to thank me, TT," Cheryl shook her head, "I've got to put Nana to bed. The guest suite is up the stairs, first door on the left. I'll be right up." She pecked Toni's cheek quickly before turning on her heel to wheel her Nana to her bedroom down the hall.

"Goodnight, Antoinette. Glad to have you, dear," the elderly woman smiled at Toni as Cheryl wheeled her away. Toni hated being called by her full first name, but she made an exception for Cheryl's nana. Truthfully, she was just happy that the woman was so accepting of her.

"Goodnight, Nana Rose," she smiled back and waved before making her way upstairs. She knew her way around most of the house already, since she'd been multiple times to visit. The house was huge. Cheryl insisted that it wasn't a mansion, but anything bigger than her trailer was a mansion to Toni. The guest room itself was as big as her former living space, if not bigger. "Damn," she muttered to herself, setting her duffel bag down on the bed, starting to sift through it to find some pajamas for the night.

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to," a voice startled her out of her thoughts, but years of serpent training taught her to never show any fear. She turned around to see Cheryl stood in the doorway, wringing her hands together with...nerves?

"Cher, you know I don't want to impose on you, but I already said I would st-"

"No, I this room. It's yours if you want it, of course,'re more than welcome to stay with my room," Cheryl wrung her hands together a bit more. A nervous habit she had picked up within the past year after so many tragic events.

"Don't look so nervous, Bombshell. What, did you think I would say no?"

Cheryl just smirked and flounced across to the bed, picking up the duffel bag with one hand and dragging her girlfriend out of the room and down the hall with the other.

Toni was no stranger to sleeping in new places. She'd slept on couches, in strangers' beds, she'd even found solace for a few nights in the back room of the Whyte Wyrm. But of all the places she'd lived and slept, Thistlehouse was by far the biggest adventure.


"Come on, Bombshell, what's the point of having a pool if you never swim in it?" Toni rested her chin on her arms at the edge of the pool, looking up at Cheryl who was lounging in a chair with a book a few feet away.
"For the aesthetic of it all," Cheryl deadpanned, not taking her eyes off her book. It was just getting to the good part.

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