[cher bear] → [tt]

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[TT]: I know I said it already this morning when we left and again at lunch, but you look so fuuuucking hot today.
[TT]: I'm convinced you wear those short skirts just to torture me.
[Cher Bear]: I could be wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and you'd be saying the same thing.
[Cher Bear]: We're supposed to be reading, Toni.
[TT]: You think I can focus on Lord of the Flies when your thighs are staring me in the face from under your skirt?
[Cher Bear]: You're such a guy sometimes.
[TT]: Not my fault I've got the hottest girlfriend in the world.
[TT]: Also not my fault that you've got nice ass legs and I know what they feel like wrapped around my neck.
[Cher Bear]: Toni!
[TT]: The blushing and fidgeting is super obvious, babe ;)
[TT]: Good thing this is the last class of the day. Now that you're all horny, I don't think I can even bear another 45 minutes of class.
[Cher Bear]: I was fidgeting because of the book...
[TT]: Didn't know savage little boys running around on a deserted island was one of your kinks.
[Cher Bear]: I hate you.
[TT]: Love you too.


[Cher Bear]: I miss you :(
[Cher Bear]: You should leave work early and come home to me.
[Cher Bear]: I'm bored and the bed is too big and empty without you with me.
[Cher Bear]: Toniiiii.
[Cher Bear]: I love youuuuu!
[Cher Bear]: Answer meeeee!
[Cher Bear]: I may or may not be naked right now.
[TT]: Send pics!!!!!
[Cher Bear]: Really?
[Cher Bear]: That's the text you respond to?
[TT]: In my defense, I'm just now getting to look at my phone.
[Cher Bear]: Busy night, baby?
[TT]: Crazy busy.
[Cher Bear]: Anything I can do to help?
[TT]: Depends, are you really naked right now? ;)
[Cher Bear]: I was until I put my pajamas on after my shower lol
[TT]: Hmph
[Cher Bear]: Don't be sad, TT. What if I draw you a hot bath when you get home?
[TT]: That actually sounds amazing, Cher.
[Cher Bear]: Just text me when you're off and I'll get it started.
[TT]: You're the best, baby.
[Cher Bear]: Tell me something I don't know ;)


[TT]: babbyy
[TT]: I sotpped fr drinks w the boys dnt be mad
[Cher Bear]: Where are you?
[TT]: swet pees trailer
[Cher Bear]: It's midnight, TT. Are any of them sober enough to take you home?
[TT]: jughaed is sber af but i might fall of his mtorcyclee
[Cher Bear]: I'm coming to get you.
[Cher Bear]: Don't leave Sweet Pea's trailer.
[TT]: my legs aer to tingly to walk amyways
[TT]: i get to se my prtty girrrrlfiend
[TT]: so baeutifull
[Cher Bear]: Always a flatterer.
[Cher Bear]: Stay put, baby, I'll be there in fifteen minutes.
[TT]: imma kis you when yuo get her
[TT]: aLOt
[Cher Bear]: Can't wait, TT.


[Cher Bear]: TT...
[Cher Bear]: I can't sleep.
[Cher Bear]: Please come back to bed. I don't want to fight anymore.
[Cher Bear]: I do love you, I shouldn't have let you go without saying it back.
[Cher Bear]: You're probably asleep....I'm gonna come downstairs.
[TT]: I can't sleep either...
[TT]: I was gonna come up, but I can hear you coming downstairs.


[Cher Bear]: TT guess what!
[Cher Bear]: Toni.
[Cher Bear]: I know you have your phone on. Guess what!
[Cher Bear]: Toniiiiii
[Cher Bear]: Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni
[Cher Bear]: Antoinette
[Cher Bear]: Antoinette Topaz if you don't answer me...
[TT]: Omg what, Cher it's 7 in the morning!
[Cher Bear]: Maybe I don't wanna tell you now.
[TT]: Fine, tell me later, I'm going back to sleep.
[Cher Bear]: But TT!! This is important!
[TT]: Omg just tell me.
[Cher Bear]: Our letters from NYU came in the mail...
[TT]: Okay I guess that's pretty important.
[TT]: Why the hell didn't you call me for this? Or come wake me up?
[TT]: Where are you?
[Cher Bear]: Still out on my jog. And I didn't want to pause my music.
[Cher Bear]: Go back to sleep, TT, I'll bring the letters in when I get back. Probably won't be for another fifteen minutes.
[TT]: I can't sleep now! You can't cut your jog short today?
[Cher Bear]: No can do, my love!
[Cher Bear]: But you're more than welcome to get breakfast started so it's ready when I get back ;)

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