cheryl, toni, and their friends

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"Dude, what the fuck?!" Sweet Pea nearly slammed his controller down to the floor while Cheryl was practically cackling beside him on the worn out sofa.

"I'm telling you, dude, it's beginner's luck," Fangs shook his head and sipped at his soda.

"This is Mario Kart, bro. A game I've been honing my skills on since I was like three. How does she keep coming in first place when she's never played?" Sweet Pea turned to Fangs, a stunned look on his face as Cheryl got up to get herself another bottle of water.

"Beginner's luck, I'm tellin' you," Fangs shrugged.

"It's probably because I focus more on getting to the finish line than destroying my enemies," Cheryl called from the connecting kitchen of Sweet Pea's trailer, "If you weren't so concerned about tossing blue shells, maybe you would be able to focus more on steering." She gave him a sickeningly sweet smile as she plopped back down on the couch, cracking her water bottle open.

"I'd kick your ass if you weren't a chick...and Tiny's girlfriend," the tall serpent rolled his eyes.

"You touch her and I'll beat your ass into the ground," Toni threatened from the doorway, just coming inside. She had been working a late shift at the Wyrm and had dropped Cheryl off with the boys so she had some company. Cheryl liked hanging out at Sunnyside. It was much more cozy than her own home, and way more laid back.

"I pretty much just said that I wouldn't," Sweet Pea tuned to face her just as Cheryl was jumping up to go greet her at the door like an excited puppy.

"Is Sweets being an oversized toddler again?" Toni chuckled, kissing Cheryl hello .

"He's mad that I beat him at Mario Kart," Cheryl hugged her girlfriend tightly, "I missed you."

"Missed you more," Toni nuzzled her nose with her own, earning a simultaneous 'aww' and gagging noise from Fangs and Sweet Pea, respectively. "You wanna head home?" the pink-haired girl asked quietly, ignoring the boys across the room.

Cheryl just nodded, holding back a yawn before reaching for her red Vans by the door.

"Next time, we rematch," Sweet Pea pointed at her as she slipped her shoes on.

"I don't see the point, but all right," the redhead shrugged with a devious giggle before going over to hug the two boys, thanking them for letting her hang out. The two had been skeptical of her at first, but quickly learned that even though she was literally from the other side of the tracks, she was cool. And if she made Toni happy, then that was all that mattered.


If there was one thing Toni hated, it was shopping. She was fine with going to Target and picking out a few things. But the mall? She would rather work two double shifts in a row at the Wyrm than spend time at the mall. But as usual, Cheryl had convinced her to go with her, Veronica, and Betty.

"TT, don't look so miserable," Cheryl took Toni's hands in both of hers as they walked past a few stores.

"I'm not," Toni mumbled.

"Liar. I wouldn't have invited you if I knew it would make you this unhappy," Cheryl frowned, taking her to sit down on a nearby bench. Betty had dragged Veronica into a Claire's a few stores back, and both Cheryl and Toni would rather be caught dead than step foot in a Claire's. "I'm sorry."

"Babe, you don't have to be sorry. I didn't have girlfriends to go to the mall with growing up. I used to come here with the guys to loiter, but that was about it. I never got into shopping. Not to mention I had no money to shop with," Toni kissed her cheek and let her lay her head down on her shoulder.

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