fights with cheryl and toni

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"I've had a long day and just want to watch my favorite show, is that too much to ask?" Toni groaned, trying to reach for the remote Cheryl was hogging. She'd just gotten home after a long shift at the Wyrm and the new season of Stranger Things had just come out yesterday and she wanted to binge watch it this weekend before everyone started to spoil it for her at school.

"Toni, Veronica and I have been Facetiming during The Bachelorette for several seasons now, you know that. The episode is only an hour long, you're welcome to join us and watch your show after," Cheryl told her rather pointedly, looking up at her from her seated position on the leather sofa.

Toni closed her eyes, held her breath, and counted to ten. Normally, she and Cheryl were good at compromising on these types of trivial things. It was just TV time. It was really only fair to let Cheryl have the TV right now. Her show only came on once a week, and she did have her little tradition with Veronica whenever it came on. Toni could watch multiple episodes of Stranger Things any time she wanted.

But for some reason, that reasoning wasn't enough to calm her down right now.

"Whatever," she mumbled, turning on her heel to go up to their room, grabbing her laptop so she could watch it there. Why didn't this gigantic house have more than one TV? Technically they had two if you counted Nana Rose's TV on wheels that allowed her to watch her shows in whatever room she wanted. But still, even her trailer had two TVs at one point before her uncle sold them both to pay off some debts.

Toni opened her laptop, her heart clenching a bit at the wallpaper photo of her and Cheryl at Homecoming just a few weeks ago. To anyone just seeing the picture in passing, they probably looked like the perfect, happy-go-lucky couple that never fought over dumb shit.

"What's your damage?" Cheryl appeared in the doorway, eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Are you really pissed that I'm doing something that I do every week? It's never bothered you before."

The serpent peeked up at her from over the laptop screen and sighed, closing it carefully. "I just had a long and shitty day at work. Having my own shift is one thing, but covering someone else's gets to be too much," she mumbled, lifting her legs to her chest and crossing them at the ankles with her arms around her knees.

"You seemed okay when I brought you your lunch earlier," Cheryl came over to sit on the edge of the bed, her face softening.

"That was before the shit hit the fan. They expect me to tend bar for a bunch of drunks and be the one to break up fights all the time. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not Wonder Woman. I doubt she'd even want to work at the Wyrm all the time," Toni wiped under her eye quickly. She very rarely cried in front of Cheryl and when she did, it was over much more intense stuff than this.

The redhead looked at her girlfriend with a rather sad face, wondering how she could help. Toni was usually the one comforting her, but now the roles were reversed. Climbing a little further onto the bed, she leaned back against the headboard and pillows behind them and encouraged Toni to recline back with her, cuddling up to her side. "Aren't you gonna watch your show?"

"Isn't V waiting for you on Facetime?" Toni looked down at her, confused.

"She'll fill me in on the details. I wanna watch your show," Cheryl nuzzled her cheek against Toni's shoulder, opening the laptop back up for her.

Toni was surprised to find a new flat screen mounted on the wall across from the bed a few days later. Cheryl claimed that it was to avoid petty arguments over who has control of the TV in the living room, but in reality, it was so that she could watch her new favorite show (not that she'd ever admit it out loud) with her girlfriend from the comfort of their own bed.

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