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[Sorry for there being no cover :/
Also this is set 3 weeks after the events of the movie, so if you haven't seen that, go and watch it :)]

Rigby gazed lazily out of the bedroom window. He was watching his best friend mow the lawn outside; a job which he was meant to help with, but couldn't because of the state of him. He'd been a mess for weeks. Nightmares, not eating properly, Rigby wasn't in very good shape. Even though Mordecai had forgiven Rigby at the timenado, Rigby still felt an overwhelming sense of guilt about what he had done.

Rigby had lived for years knowing what he did, but now that Mordecai knew too, it was almost unbearable to talk to him. Rigby would just tear up half way through a sentence and start apologising out of no where, and Mordecai was getting tired of it too. He couldn't count how many times he'd told Rigby that it's okay, or he forgives him, but the message just didn't seem to process in rigby's brain.

This was leaving both of them miserable. Rigby was always upset because of what he did to Mordecai, and Mordecai was sad because he felt like his best friend was gone.

"Rigby?" Mordecai called out into their room. Rigby was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see Mordecai come inside. Rigby turned around slowly, the bags under his eyes clearly visible. Mordecai let out a sigh as he walked over to his bed and sat on it, patting the spot beside him. Rigby looked up at Mordecai with watery eyes and say down on the bed a couple feet away from Mordecai. They both sat in silence for a few moments before Rigby spoke up.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice cracking. Mordecai looked at his friend with despair in his eyes.

"Rigby... I already told you I forgive you." Mordecai said. He'd repeated the same sentence hundreds of times over the last few weeks, and he was tired of it. But Rigby just wouldn't aknowelege Mordecai's forgiveness.

"I know, but no matter what you say, I still feel like I've ruined your life." Rigby explained, tears flowing down his cheeks. Mordecai was utterly exhausted with this. He obviously couldn't convince Rigby that he was forgiven.

"Dude... I..." Mordecai had no idea what to say at this point. He'd tried pretty much everything short of grabbing him by the face and kissing him dead in the lips. Mordecai decided to slide over to Rigby and wrap his arms around him. Rigby tensed up and tried to push away with all of his might (which wasn't much) but Mordecai kept a hold of him.

"Dude let go!" Came rigby's voice, muffled by Mordecai's chest.

"Not until you accept my forgiveness." Mordecai said while hugging Rigby tighter. Rigby kept trying to break free, but Mordecai's hold on him didn't loosen.

After a couple minutes of trying, Rigby ceased his attempts to free himself and sighed.

"C'mon dude, this isn't funny." Rigby groaned.

"Who said it was meant to be?" Mordecai retorted. Rigby tried his best to shift into a more comfortable position as he figured they'd be there for a while. "Look dude, why can't you just accept that I forgive you?" Mordecai asked with exasperation in his voice. Rigby spun around so he was sitting on Mordecai's lap facing away from him before replying.

"Because I know it's not true." Rigby said, his voice filled with sadness. Mordecai looked down at his friends head, quickly realising the position they were in. Mordecai's face heated up a little, but Rigby didn't seem to care.

"So you're saying there's nothing that I could do to show you that I forgive you?" Mordecai said. Rigby frowned.

"Nothing straight." He mumbled.

"What?" Mordecai questioned.

"Nothing." Rigby replied. Mordecai let out a sigh of despair and carefully thought out his next sentence.

"I want my Rigby back." He said. Rigby's eyebrows raised at that statement.

"What do you mean 'your Rigby'" Rigby asked in an offended tone.

"I mean I want the Rigby who I know and love back." Mordecai replied with a firm tone.

"I am Rigby." Rigby stated in a hurt tone.

"But you're not my Rigby." Mordecai said. Rigby gazed sadly to the floor, his eyes coming to rest on his sad little trampoline in the far corner of the room. Mordecai noticed his response and immediately felt guilty.

"Dude, I didn't mean it like that... I just... can we..." Mordecai was at a loss for words. He had just told his depressed best friend that he didn't love him.

Rigby stayed in that position, his head hung low and Mordecai could see the tears falling off of his face.

"I do love you dude." Mordecai said with lack of anything else to say. Mordecai's heart sped up as he contemplated his next action. "I just wish... you could see how much." as Mordecai finished his sentence, he brought his beak down and gave Rigby a small kiss on the head.

Rigby's eyes widened as he ducked his head down a little.

"What was that?!" Rigby questioned. Mordecai didn't respond; he just pulled Rigby closer to himself and laid his head on top of Rigby's. "Mordecai stop." Rigby said in a whiney tone.

"Not until you accept my forgiveness." Mordecai repeated his statement from earlier with exasperation in his voice. Rigby squirmed and tried to wriggle free, but his efforts were futile. He eventually groaned and laid back onto Mordecai, allowing himself to relax a little. After all, he has always wanted a moment like this to happen, just not under their current circumstances.

"Mordecai, I accept your forgiveness." Rigby said in an obviously fake tone. Mordecai scowled and kissed the top of Rigbys head again.

"Dude stop kissing me!" Rigby exclaimed.

"Why?" Mordecai asked calmly.

"Because it's gay." Rigby stated, turning his head up to face Mordecai.

"Is that a bad thing?" Mordecai questioned.

"Yes! I mean no but I'm not-" Mordecai interrupted Rigby's rant with a short kiss to the lips. The room fell silent for a moment as Rigby's face turned a deep shade of red. "Dude..." Rigby couldn't find the correct words to say in that moment. Rigby slid down Mordecai's body a little, slumping onto him with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You're not what?" Mordecai teased, it being clear that Rigby was contemplating his previous sentence. Rigby turned up to Mordecai again and looked him in the eyes.

"Why?" He asked. Mordecai let out yet another exasperated sigh.

"I told you: Because I love you" Mordecai replied. Rigby went silent as he looked up at Mordecai. The room went silent. "You wanna do it again, don't you?" Mordecai grinned, reading Rigby like a book. Rigby blushed and nodded slightly, gulping as Mordecai chuckled before leaning down towards him again, this time for a longer, more passionate kiss. Rigby reached his arms up and grabbed the back of Mordecai's head, pulling him down further and making their lips press together harder. Rigby let out an involuntary moan as the two's lips moved in sync. After a few more moments, Mordecai pulled away and let go of Rigby. Rigby then proceeded to fall straight onto the floor ass first.

"Ow!" He cried in pain. Mordecai sniggered before he burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing!" Rigby exclaimed while rubbing his ass.

"Sorry dude." Mordecai said while wiping a tear from his eye. "So do you accept my forgiveness?" He asked, getting back on topic. Rigby looked up at Mordecai and smiled.

"Yeah... I think I do."

[2nd part will be out soon :)]

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