I liked my old roommate better (1/?)

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Mordecai's journal
Entry 1
How do you even start a journal?
Dear journal?
That just sounds dumb.
I guess you just write it like you're talking to a person. I guess I'll do that.

So I went back to college. Dad said he wanted too see me 'making progress in life' again, whatever that means. I guess working at a job with my best friend and a crowd of people that I consider my family isn't good enough for him.

So I'm back here. At school. It's only been a week and I'm already mind numbingly bored. Obviously Rigby couldn't come this time, because he still needs to get paid, so I'm basically just here on my own. Well, not totally. I do have a room mate. His name is Jeff and he's an asshole. He always leaves his dirty plates by the sink, he never empties the trash, and his gross food always leaves this slime in the microwave. It smells awful. I mean, Rigby was lazy, but this guy is on a whole other level. He literally doesnt even flush the toilet sometimes.

So I try and evade him as much as possible. I have to eat dinner in my room, and watch Netflix exclusively on my laptop, which is broken. It's going to cost like 200 dollars to get it fixed, so I won't be able to use it for a while, which is why I've started this journal. I don't know how often I'll write in it or if I'll forget about it in a few days, but I'm just bored out of my mind right now.

Also, Jeff is playing trashy dubstep through a speaker, and I can hear it from two rooms away. I need to tell him to turn it off, it's like -

Mordecai paused to check the time.

okay, I just realised I've been writing for longer than I thought, and its 11pm. I have class tomorrow so I guess I'll write more later. Hopefully Jeff stops playing that music soon.

Mordecai laid the pen and pad down on his desk and stood up, able to just collapse onto his bed from there due to how small his dorm room was. He continued to hear Jeff's music for several hours more, even after he told him to turn it down. Looking for something, anything to distract himself, he glanced at his phone on the nightstand next to his bed.

He grabbed it, ready to make a call to kill some of his frustrations, but hesitated. I've literally only been away for a week, how desperate am I?

Instead, Mordecai decided to put the phone back down, flicking his lamp off and allowing his head to crash into the pillow, ready to sleep. That is, if Jeff ever decides that it's too late to play his music.

Mordecai's journal
Entry 2
So this is the first time I've had a minute of free time since the last entry. Jeff is still an asshole. He never did turn off his music that night. Not for a minute. And now there's a girl after me too. Just what I needed. It couldn't have been the first time I came to college that a girl liked me, no. It had to be now, after-. Never mind.

Anyway, class sucks. Most of the professors say the most obvious shit, and try to act like you can assign a score or value to a piece of art. I wish Rigby was here again. At least then I could have someone to talk to about all of this, rather than just writing it all down in here. And he would convince me to slack off a bit more. I can picture him now, all annoyed that we haven't had time to play any video games, all pouty and junk. Heh. Did I really just write heh? Maybe I need more sleep. At least Jeff doesnt play his music every night - just most.

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