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His eyes drifted open at around 4AM after a particularly loud explosion from the TV woke him up. Rigby slowly glanced to his right, where his best friend lay equally as asleep as he himself was thirty seconds ago, his arms draped on the back of the couch, his head hanging over it.

He knew that it would be difficult to go back to sleep with the loud noises coming from the TV, so he grabbed the remote and flicked it off.

Now the only light in the room was coming from the moonlight shining through the open curtains which Rigby was too tired to get up and close.

The mammal let out a tired yawn, stretching his arms a little as he did so. It was then that he noticed the slight chill in the air. It wasn't going to freeze him to death or anything, but he couldn't help but notice his teeth chattering ever so slightly.

Knowing that the temperature was his next big hurdle to re-entering the land of dreams, Rigby reached over to the arm of the couch on his left; the last known location of his sweater.

Alas, as he moves his arm, he noticed it in the middle of the floor, at least half way across the floor. Upon this realisation, he dropped his arm back to his side, almost residing to his fate of having to go and pick it up. That is, until he once again glanced to his right, where his best friend was still sat down, his head and arms hanging over the back of the chair.

Rigby found himself staring for a moment, admiring the slightly fluffier feathers under his chin that he didnt get to see very often. He quickly snapped out of it, mentally scolding himself for being weird. In reality, though, Mordecai did look warm. Or, was that a weird thing to think too?

Either way, Rigby found himself shifting closer to the avian, trying to soak up a little of his heat. As Rigby pushed himself into Mordecai's side he noticed the avian stir a little in his sleep. Worried that he might have disturbed him, Rigby froze in place, not moving a muscle. The only thing that the taller of the two actually did was move his arms down from the back of the couch to his sides; where Rigby was. The mammal found himself being almost cuddled, but what was stranger than that, was that he was enjoying it. What kind of sick, twisted person wants to cuddle with their best friend? Was that a fair line of thinking? Rigby didn't care, all his mind could process in that moment was that his face felt very hot, and he was no doubt a shade of red comparable to that of a tomato.

It was then that he noticed something else. Something growing in his shorts...

He quickly pulled his legs up and hugged his knees to hide it, eyes wide as saucers.

This was definitely weird. He wasn't gay, but here he was getting a hard on because of his best friend. He slowly allowed himself to lean against the avian, taking in the scent of his shitty axe body spray. This wouldn't be weird if he was gay, but he wasn't. There was no way... was there?

Was there a chance that straightness was the wrong assumption for his sexuality?

Judging by the events unfolding before the mammal, yes. Yes it was.

So, instead of fighting that thought, Rigby instead tried to just let it sink in. And sink in it did. The mammal found himself becoming very comfortable in the position that he was in, Mordecai's arm still around him. He took in the aroma once more, feeling oddly protected by the taller bird.

Most importantly, however, he was warm; the main obstacle to his sleep. He felt himself drifting off, and although some questions would undoubtedly be asked in the morning, he fell into the land of dreams with a smile on his face.

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