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Gore warning

You never know when you're going to have a nightmare. It's a roll of the dice every time you close your eyes and go to sleep. Unfortunately for Rigby, he rolled a one.

The dream seemed like a normal day at first. He got up, showered, brushed his teeth, had breakfast, and made his way to the morning meeting. Nothing out of the ordinary; nothing to alert the mammal that he was about to experience something horrifying.

He was assigned an average chore; clean the guys toilets in the middle of the park. He grabbed all of the necessary chemicals and utensils, including a large pair of gloves which went up past his elbows.

When he reached the building, Rigby put the cleaning equipment that he was carrying down and swung the stained door open. To his surprise, the door led not to a bathroom, but into a staircase which spiraled down to the left.

Notably confused by this, the mammal took a couple steps in with curiosity.

A couple became a dozen, a dozen became 3 dozen, and before he knew it, Rigby found himself at the bottom of this staircase. The smell of damp overpowered his nostrils, and something about the noticable sound of water constantly dripping into a puddle set the raccoon's nerves on edge. Rigby scanned the room that he was in, the small amount of light that made it's way down the staircase proving sufficient for his nocturnal eyes.

The room was small, maybe fifteen feet along and ten across, with a wooden door at the far end of it. It looked like a room that you would see in a medieval dungeon, and the door only worked in favour of that theory. It was arch shaped with no window, and in place of a doorknob was a large metal ring which was attached to the door by a much smaller loop. Rigby cautiously made his way over to it, unsure of what his goal exactly was.

As he came closer to it, he started to notice the sound of something else. It sounded like... pleading. Like someone saying 'please, stop' over and over again.

His curiosity peaked, Rigby pulled on the door, having to use all of his might to open it. He was not prepared for what he saw on the other side.

There was another room, probably twice the size of the one prior, but this one was occupied. In the middle of the room was an operating table, and on that opersting table lay his best friend.

But Mordecai wasn't just laying on the table, he was tied to it. Thick leather straps bound his wrists and legs to the surface allowing little to no movement, and a very bleak outlook in the prospect of him escaping.

His heart sinking, Rigby quickly made his way towards the table.

"Morde-" He was cut off by a sudden impact to his snout, causing him to fall backwards onto his rear. Slightly dazed, the mammal looked in the direction that he had been walking in moments prior. Upon closer inspection, the two halfs of the room were separated by a layer of glass that was at least 6 inches thick.

Before he could question this further, he noticed a figure entering the room on the other side of the glass. They were at least the same height as Mordecai, and they were wearing one of those plague doctor masks with the long beaks.

The mammal stared in confusion for a moment before the figure pulled out a knife with a short blade from somewhere Rigby couldn't see before and drove it through the avian's left forearm, causing him to let out a scream which was muffled due to the glass between them.

The mammals eyes widened in shock as he righted himself again, screaming the blue jay's name without even realising that he was doing it. The figure didn't even acknowledge Rigby, it looked more interested in the stream of blood that was making it's way to the floor, its source being the avian's arm.

Trying his best to break through the glass with his bear fists, Rigby screamed Mordecai's name in horror as the figure pulled out a scalpel. Feeling faint and powerless, the mammal slumped onto his knees and turned his back towards the glass, his breathing speeding up to an unhealthy rate. The mammal could feel his world crashing down around him with the screams of agony that were being produced by his best friend.

His hands started to feel numb as the sound of Mordecais screams was suddenly replaced by gargling and splattering. Tears ran down the mammal's cheeks as he clenched his fists tight, unable to think over the gory sounds.

Suddenly, he was back in his room, it was dark outside, and he was awoken by a pillow slamming into the right side of his face.

"Dude, you're screaming like a frickin' maniac!". That voice. Mordecai's voice. Rigby bolted up from his trampoline and launched himself at the sleepy avian, practically tackling him onto his bed with a hug.

Startled and groggy, Mordecai tried to push him off.

"Dude, what the-" the avian paused for a moment, observing the raccoon latched onto him. His breathing was in nothing but quick, shallow breaths, and be was choking on sobs in between every few of them.

"Are- are you okay?" Mordecai asked; a stupid question. On the spectrum from in a coma to having a panic attack, Rigby looked dangerously close to the latter. "Hey, it's okay, breathe, dude." He said softly. His right hand hovered over Rigby's back for a moment, as Mordecai hesitated to make the physical gesture of comfort, before he let it gently and slowly rub circles on the mammal's back, still using his left hand to prop himself up. "You're fine, dude. Everything's fine."

A few minutes later, Rigby's breathing had calmed down to shaky but stable. As Mordecai ceased his petting, Rigby's eyes snapped open once more, and he quickly pushed himself off of the avian, his cheeks ablaze.

"S-sorry." The mammal let out, his voice still shaking. They both adopted cross legged positions facing each other.

"Dude, that the hell happened?" Mordecai asked, making sure to keep the usual sarcastic edge out of his voice.

Rigby sniffled, taking a second to compose himself.

"I... had a bad dream." He admitted, slightly embarrassed by the childlike nature of what he just said.

"A bad dream?"

"Well, a really bad dream."

Mordecai's brow furrowed as he looked at the disheveled male in front of him. By the looks of him, really bad dream was an understatement.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mordecai asked.

"No." The mammal replied simply.

"Are you... are you gonna be okay?"



"Can you hug me again?"

Mordecai's face twisted into a look of confusion, but he supposed that another hug couldn't hurt.

"Uh, sure, come here."

Rigby sheepishly made his way back into his best friends arms, breathing in his musky aroma.

He was here.

He was alive.

It was just a dream.

Letting out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding, Rigby sunk deeper into the embrace, allowing Mordecai's heartbeat to drown out the rest of his senses.

Slowly but deliberately, Mordecai laid down on his bed, Rigby still using him as a pillow if sorts.

"You know... you can sleep here tonight." Mordecai said, glad that the darkness hid the growing flush on his cheeks. "... if you want. You totally don't-" he was cut off by something of a mix between a purr and a snore, signaling that Rigby had already taken him up on his offer.

Mordecai grinned at himself and rolled over onto his right side, putting Rigby gently down on the mattress before rolling over to face away from him. To his surprise, he felt two thin arms snake around his waist, sending shivers down his spine. He didn't move, he didn't make any attempt to remove them. He just laid there, allowing it to take place. It was... nice?

No, it couldn't be. That would be gay, he reassured himself. And he definitely wasn't gay.

Either way, he didn't move, and Rigby didn't have another nightmare that night.

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