A fine Sunday morning

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What those slackers did with their free time was of no interest to the gumball machine, but when neither of them had reared their heads by 2 o'clock in the pm one Sunday, he felt like he needed to check on them for their own safety.

As the metallic man made his way up the stairs, he imagined the state that the room would be in. He usually avoided the room for as long as he could where possible due to the mess. The last time he had seen it was when he had to retrieve his phone from a tall pile of dirty laundry and trash.

As the gumball machine approached the door, he gave three light knocks followed by "Guys?". When no answer came, Benson sighed and pushed open the door slowly. What he saw shocked him.

Not only was there not garbage and dirty clothes littered all over the floor, but it was actually tidy. The gumball machine shook his head in disbelief. The only objects of note in the room were the tall dresser next to the window and the single bed in the corner closest to the door.

His expression of shock turned to one of confusion upon the realisation that the small sports trampoline that usually resided in the middle of the room was nowhere to be found, along with its usual occupant. Benson could see the beak of the avian poking out fron below the bedsheets, but it seemed the raccoon was not in the room. Slightly worried by the prospect of his least competent employee being out on his own, he decided to wake Mordecai from his slumber to see if he knew where he was.

"Mordecai?' He whispered loudly, trying not to startle the bluejay. When that had no effect after the 5th or 6th try, he decided to go for a different approach. "MORDECAI!".

The bluejay's eyes shot open immediately, and were drawn to the red faced man standing in his doorway. "What the heck, Benson?"

Benson immediately felt guilty for waking him up on his day off. "Sorry, Mordecai, but have you...-" Benson was cut short by the ruffling of bedsheets and the appearance of another face; it was that of the raccoon he had been searching for in the first place.

"Uh..." The gumball machine paused. Mordecai was puzzled for a moment before coming to the realisation that his boss probably hadn't expected to see two of his employees snuggled up together.

"Rigby was really cold last night, so I let him sleep on the bed." Mordecai said almost robotically; he and Rigby had practiced what to say if someone were to walk in on them many times.

"Right..." Benson said "I'll just... go." He continued, slowly backing out and closing the door behind him

The raccoon flopped onto his side, releasing a loud "Gahhhh!" of frustration.

"Calm down, dude, he totally bought it." Mordecai said, trying to remedy his coon's frustration.

"I know, but I don't want anyone to think i slept with you." Rigby retorted.

"Well someone was gonna find out eventually..." Mordecai said, trailing off.

"Yeah, yeah." The raccoon relented, the stress still seeping out in his voice.

"Come on, dude. Who loves ya'?" Mordecai said, playfully poking his companion in the belly.

"You love me." The raccoon said matter-of-factly.

"That's right." The bluejay said, pulling Rigby into a warm embrace which they would remain in until 5pm.

On the other side of the door, the gumball machine smiled, happy to see two other people happy.

[Just a short one today :)]

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