Telling them

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" The mammal's familiar voice came down the cellphone.

"Not really, but I don't see any other way I can do this." the blue jay responded as he turned left onto the street that his parents resided on. He felt his heart rate pick up as their house drew into his vision. The memories of his childhood came flooding back as the familiar street that he had used to live in came into view.

"Alright, man. Call me back and let me know how it goes."

"I will." Mordecai replied as the cart slowly glided down the street. He took note of the crack in the sidewalk that had been there since he was seven, the American flag waving proudly in the wind in front of their dwelling, and the manhole cover outside of their house which would go 'ka-dunk' whenever his parents used to drive over it.


Mordecai gulped, knowing that this was it. This was the moment that he had been working towards for almost six months. All of the pep-talks from Rigby, and late nights of lying awake were about to culminate in the next few hours. 

He turned the keys in the cart's ignition, the engine rumbling to a stop as he slowly stepped out of the vehicle. His legs felt like jelly as he slowly waddled his way towards the very familiar door, the knocker seemingly taunting him with it's presence. It knew that he didn't want to be there, that he didn't want to use it. He had no choice.

He raised his arm up at a snails pace, allowing himself to grip the cold metal. He lifted it off the door, before pushing it back towards the wooden frame several times. He heard a muffled shout; probably his dad telling his mom to answer it.

A few moments later, he heard the latch being disengaged before the door promptly swung open. He was met by the oh-so familiar face of his mother, who's features brightened up upon the discovery of her visitor.

"Mordy!" She exclaimed, practically throwing herself over her son with a tight embrace. Mordecai steadied himself as he hugged her back, and couldn't help but find himself smiling. At least he didn't have to tell them just yet.

"Who is it?" his father, William shouted in his usual tired tone.

"It's Mordy!" Hillary shouted back. Mordecai heard the sofa groaning as his father stood up, appearing in the doorway.

"Mordecai! How are you?" He said, pushing up his glasses to see him better. His father had a smile on his face, which was a rarity. 

"I'm doing good," Mordecai responded "How are you guys?". Truthfully, it had been more than a year since he had last spoken to his family, so they had a lot of catching up to do.

"Oh, we've missed you!" Hillary exclaimed as she peeled herself off of him, still looking like she could squeeze him to death at any moment. He was starting to feel slightly less nervous now. "Come in, we're just about to eat." She said as she put a hand on his  back, leading him through to the kitchen. Mordecai smiled at the long forgotten smell of his mom's home cooking. "It's spaghetti bolognese!"

Mordecai took a seat at the dining room table as his mother took the stringy pasta off of the stove, putting it onto three plates and topping it all off with her secret bolognese recipe. The plate was placed down gracefully in front of him and his father as Hillary took her seat. William began to dig in almost immediately.

"So, what's the occasion, Mordy?" Hillary asked, twisting some of the food onto her fork.

"Hm?" Mordecai responded, busy following his father's suit. She chuckled at the display, before repeating herself. Mordecai swallowed his mouthful before responding.

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