Part 8- Goodbye

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Jug's pov:

Today was the day and I honestly felt heart broken. Betty was in my arms with tear stained cheeks from the night before. She quietly groans and then nuzzles her head into my chest. "Morning" I whisper. No reply. "Um, guys, we have to leave in an hour" Veronica sniffles after softly knocking. "I'm not moving" Betty says. "Bub" I whisper. "I said I'm not moving!" She yells. "I'm going to get ready" Veronica says and then hurries out the door. "We need to get ready" I whisper. She tightens her arms around my torso and wraps her leg around mine. "I. am. not. going" She says word by word. "I know you don't want to but we have to" I sigh. "I'm not moving!" She shouts. "Archie, Veronica!" I yell. "What are you doing?" She asks. They both run into my room. "What?!" Veronica says. "Talk some sense into her please" I sigh. "Whats wrong?" Arch asks. "She said that she is not my moving". V sighs and then places herself down on Betty's side of the bed. "Betts, I know you don't want to leave but we will be back soon and Jug will come and see you too" She says. "I'm moving here" She huffs. I can't help but let out a small laugh. "Shut up" Betty yells. "Betty, I'll drag you out of bed" Archie says. "Try" She says. Veronica pulls the covers off her which only makes her small arms tighten around me more. "I'm picking you up if you don't get up" Archie states with a grin. Betty stays silent so Archie grabs her waist and attempts to pick her up but she would only separate from me for a spilt second before she collapsed back into my chest. "Well that's not working" Archie chuckles. "Betts, come on, baby" I say. "Will you come visit me" Betty whispers. "Of course I will, baby". "So if I got up now will you promise to visit me" She whispers. "I swear on my life" I say as I kiss her head. "Okay" She whispers and then slowly takes her arms from my torso. "We will leave you guys alone" V says and then drags Archie out of the room. "Can I wear your hoodie" She whispers as we both get out of the bed. "Baby, Come here" I sigh as I see the sadness in her eyes. She jumps into my arms; wrapping her legs around my torso. "I don't want to leave" She sobs. "I know, baby, I know". "Are you staying at the airport" She sniffles. "Of course". "I love you" I whisper. "I love you" She whispers back. I lightly place her back on the floor so I can see her face. "Can I still wear your hoodie" She grins. "Of course you can" I smile and then hug her normally. Betty puts on her black leggings with one of my royal blue hoodies while I put on some jeans and my grey hoodie. We both walk downstairs to see Archie and V cuddling on the couch. "Hey" V says awkwardly. "Hi" betty whispers as she sits down on my lap. "Have you packed?" V asks. Betty just nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck.  "Don't" I mouth. "Sorry" V mouths back. "Do you guys maybe want to go early to the airport so we can get some lunch?" Archie asks. "Yeah" I murmur as I rock Betty back and forth on my lap. "We better get going then" V sighs as she stands up. "Should we go and get your suitcase" I whisper. She shakes her head rapidly. "I'll carry you up" I whisper. Her little face pokes up from my neck and then goes back down. "I'll take that as a yes" I mumble and then stand up. We get all the bags together and then get in the car. 

"But I want to sit on your lap" Betty pouts. "Betty, We will get pulled over" I chuckle. "Pleaseee" She whines. "Let's just get in the car first, Yeah?" I suggest. "Fine" She murmurs as she opens the car door and then gets in. I move into the middle seat and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Compromise?" I ask. She nods and moves her body closer to mine. Once we arrived at the airport we all headed to check in. "Can you do it" Betty whispers as we arrive at the machine. I wrap my arms around her tightly and then place a small kiss on her head. "Of course I can" I whisper back. I type in the booking details and then attach the bag tag to her suitcase. "Want me to put it through?" I ask her. She nods slightly as she releases her arms from around me. I take the bag over to the lady and then go back to the others. "Should we head through?" I ask them. "Yeah". We head around the corner and go into the cafeteria. "What are we getting?" Archie asks. "What do you want, baby?" I whisper quietly to Betty who was nuzzled into my side. She shrugs. "Veronica is getting sushi, do you want to go with her?" I ask. "Can you come too?" She murmurs. "Yeah, okay". We all walk over to the sushi shop and get our meals. "Can I sit next to you?" Betty whispers as we find a table. "Of course, baby". She shuffles her seat closer to me as she picks at her food. "You have to eat, Bub" I whisper to her. "Mm" She mumbles. "Don't make me force feed you" I chuckle. She giggles and then takes a bite from her food. 

Betty's pov:

"Should we start heading to the lounge" V sighs. "Yeah" Jug sighs and then stands up. I look up at him as he offers his hand to help me up. I take his hand and then cuddle into his side. We walk to our gates lounge and take a seat near the doors. "Can I sit there" I whisper as I point at his lap. He smiles at me and opens his arms.  I quickly stand up and then cuddle into his chest. "Everything is going to be okay" He whispers as he cradles me. "It doesn't feel that way". "It will be, baby, it will be". "I don't want to leave" Veronica says as a tear rolls down her cheek. "This really sucks" Arch sighs. "When are we going?" I sniffle. "We are meant to board in 10 minuets" V sighs. "I-i d-don't w-want t-to g-go" I say and then start sobbing. "Aw, baby, please don't cry". "P-please d-don't m-make m-me g-go-o" I cry. He hugs me tighter as I cry into his shoulder. Next thing I hear is our flight being called out and I burst out crying. "Don't make me go!" I cry. "I don't want to". "Baby, I know it's hard but we got this, we will call every night" Jug says to me. "B, We have to go" V sniffles as she wipes tears from her face. I stand up pulling Jug with me. "Bye" He whispers. I place my hand on his cheek and then kiss him. "I love you" he murmurs as he pulls back. "I love you too" I sniffle. "B, we need to go". "Bye, beautiful". "No!" I cry as I hide my face in his chest. "I'll walk you over" He mumbles. We all slowly walk over to the gate. "I'll see you soon" he sadly smiles. I hug him tightly and then let go. "Bye" I whisper and then we finally head onto the plane feeling heartbroken as ever. "I'm so sorry" V murmurs as she hugs me. "It's not your fault" I sniffle. We sit in our seats and all I can do is silently cry while looking out the window. "B, phone" V points at my ringing phone. I pick up my phone and see Jugs contact pop up on the screen. I place it back down and stare out the window. "Why didn't you answer it?". "Because I'll cry" I blankly say. Another phone rings and of course its V's. "Hey, Jug".

5 minuets later.

"Wait really!?" V squeals. "Wait what?" I ask. "Holy shit, you fucking did!" She yells. "Oh shit yeah, I won't yep". She hangs up and smirks at me. "What?" I ask. "I can't say anything". "You have to fucking tell me" I snap. "Sorry" She grins and then plugs her earphones in. I groan and look out the small plane window which only makes my claustrophobia kick in... 

Word count: 1460

Sorry it's so short, I just didn't have a clue on what to write next. 

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