Tres / Three

139 7 7

Drown III

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"it sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you"

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If you think about it, ice is really fucking weird. Like, it's just frozen water shaped into blocks. And you use it to keep your food or drinks cool and to numb painful things and I wonder where the human generation would be right now if it wasn't for ice.

Alright, maybe I'm crazy. Or maybe it's the meds that the school nurse gave me. The school nurse is some lady named Patty who is always on her laptop shopping online. She didn't even look away from the screen to check the medicine she was gonna give me for my head being hit earlier, and I had to make my own damn ice bag. Like, the least you can do is help a girl out.

So here I am, probably overdosed on the wrong medicine, gripping an ice bag to my head and walking to my first period late. Again.

I grabbed a pass after the nurses already so I should be excused but my first period is chemistry and my teacher is a bigger bitch than me. And that's saying something. So if she has a problem she can suck my icepack.

I knock on my classroom door, and Mrs. Kleider answers; a scowl present on her face.

"Ah, goodmorning Charadee. Finally decided to join us I see?" she asks with a sarcastic smile on her face. I nod and hand her my pass, heading over to the back of the room to my seat.

"You're just in time. I was just about to go over the homework about polyatomic Elements. Did you complete the assignment Charadee?" She says while closing the door and heading to her desk.

I groan, completely forgetting I had homework. I spent too long at the parking lot last night; I didn't even finish homework for my other classes either. By this point the whole class was focused on me and Mrs. Kleider to even care about their classwork.

I feel my heartbeat start to quicken and I can feel the anxiety kick in. Why is everyone looking at me? Is there something on me? Oh god, please look away.

"Uh.. N-o I didn't do it," I manage to mumble out. A few people snicker and look away, and the group of blonde bimbos start whispering to each other making me feel even more nervous about the situation.

"Detention." Mrs. Kleider says nonchalantly. I groan and before I even have time to protest, she's explaining the difference between a monoatomic and its two pertaining atoms. I slide back into my seat and shut my eyes, already knowing the difference having taken chemistry during the summer as an extra credit.

It seems like detention has become a weekly thing for me. I had detention last week because I didn't bring my textbook to World History, when neither did half the class. And the week before that, I got it because I sprained my ankle in gym and couldn't play in team sports. My coach thought I was faking it and wrote me up for 'no participation.'

Let's just say my Junior year of high school hasn't really had a good start. And speaking of start, I wonder how Calum is doing starting a new school and all. I mean, that really sucks having to move to a new school. Especially halfway across the world from home.

Why am I even thinking about Calum? He's nothing. Just some guy who hit me in the head with a door and freaked out, apologizing profusely. Then again, how often does that happen? I don't know it's like, I want to get to know him; he seems so intriguing-More like intriguingly annoying-But then that would involve having to open myself up in return and talk about myself, and I'm not good at that kind of stuff.

It's absolutely terrifying to let someone in. To let them see the darkest corners of your soul, or the reasons why you cry and what makes you happy. It's absolutely terrifying because they might run away with your secrets and never give them back.

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