Chapter Three

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   Izuku pulled open his front door, mind mulling over where he's heard of the name One For All before. It was at the tip of his brain and was driving Izuku a tad mental.

The door shut behind him with a sharp click, echoing down the empty hallway of his and his mother's small five room apartment. The smell of dinner was already wafting out under the kitchen door and reminding Izuku just how long it had been since lunch. Homely chopping noises were coming from the kitchen as well, mingling with his mother's pleasant humming.

At the sound of the door closing, the humming and chopping noises stopped, followed quickly by his mother rushing out of the combined kitchen and dining room, wiping her hands distractedly on her I cook better than Kacchan apron Izuku had made for her birthday last year. Bakugou hadn't been over to their house for years so he'd figured that it would be safe.

She rushed over to the genkan and stood there, fidgeting, as Izuku turned and slipped his shoes off, replacing them with a comfy pair of indoor slippers. Once he was done and had stepped up into the hallway she flung herself at him, simultaneously squeezing the life out of him and checking for injurious.

"Izuku! I was so worried! - I saw you on the news fighting that sludge villain and I..." his mother crumpled like a crushed leaf, letting herself cry into her son's shoulder as he supported her. Grimly, he rested his chin on her shoulder, gazing set faced in front of him.

She was such a good woman, his mother. Unlike the other 98% of the population she actually cared. She hated it when he put himself in danger, and he hated making her feel bad. But his near — and probably far too — future only promised more and more dangerous, possibly near fatal things and Izuku knew he couldn't shield his mother from it forever. Not really. And he hated that.

She didn't deserve that kind of hurt.

They stayed like that for a little bit, Izuku just letting his mother hold him and know he was there. That nothing had happened to him. After a while, Inko quieted down and gently pulled back from Izuku, but still touching him. Her eyes were still red from crying - and probably would be too for quite a while - but she had a wobbly frown on her face, like she was trying to be disappointed in Izuku's actions, when all she really was was happy that her Izuku was alright.

"That was very imprudent of you!" She scolded, though Izuku could tell it was half hearted. "You could have gotten really hurt, rushing in to save young Bakugou like that. I hope you learn from that and never do such a dumb thing again!"

Izuku smiled fondly at his mother and leaned forward to kiss her gently on the forehead.

"I won't mum." He said, then quieter. "At least not without reason."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Dinner that night was udon with ebi and renkon tempura with way too much soy sauce. Izuku scarfed down the noodles probably a tad too fast, the broth flicking onto his shirt and the table as he attempted to eat an entire two bowls of udon and five plates of tempura in under fifteen minutes.

All while eating, Izuku kept glancing furtively at the clock above the window. He only had five minutes before Kurogiri's warp gate appeared inside his wardrobe and seven until he withdrew it.

Izuku slurped the last of his soup as the clock reached 6:48 and stood up with a clatter, gathering up his dishes and speedily heading to set them by the sink. After halfhearted ringing them off, Izuku made his way to the door. Inko looked up in surprise, a noodle hanging out of her mouth limply, chopsticks and eyebrows raised.

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