Chapter Four

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The next few weeks or so passed monotonously. Everyday Izuku woke up to the insufferable sound of All Might's catchphrase at the ungodly hour of five am, ran to Lawsons or Familymart where he got a balanced, carbohydrate-rich breakfast of melon bread, then went and lugged trash before heading to school. The only exception was Sundays where he got the privilege of going home and dying in peace instead of school after training instead.

Izuku's mother had immediately noticed his new routine and he'd been confronted one night during dinner. She had moved the big bowl of rice away from him and demanded an explanation or he wouldn't get another helping. He'd told her, not entirely untruthfully, that someone he'd met at the sludge villain attack had seen potential in him, offering to become his mentor and train him.

Inko had immediately begun a rant about stranger danger and not agreeing to random people's offers. He should have come to her if he wanted to train her son. She had a point, All Might hadn't been the most responsible in that particular department. After he'd reassured her, promising that he'd tell his mentor that she wanted to meet him herself, she began stressing that his trainer wanted money in return. She hadn't really understood that someone might just want to help her son become more strong out of the goodness of their heart.

"He's kind." He had told her, placing a rough hand over her smaller, but no less weathered, hand. "He doesn't want anything in return, unless you count me getting into UA and making him proud as payment."

It was true, really, even though Izuku didn't completely believe or truly trust it. He had no doubt that the Number One Hero had some sort of ulterior motive, but until he showed even a hint of one he couldn't just accuse him of such. Innocent until proven guilty.

All Might only cared because he had a reason to. Only cared because he deemed Izuku important. The moment Izuku somehow became no longer important he would no doubt be cast aside for someone more worthy, more powerful.

After Inko had finally exhausted all possible sources of worry, she had chatted animatedly for the rest of the meal, encouraging him enthusiastically on his training, even going so far as asking if he'd like her to buy him some hand grippers and small weights.

Over the next week or so, Izuku kept checking for any news on the potential League members, but as days went by he guessed that the potentials were being more troublesome than necessary, and decided to change the name of the chat and turn on notifications. He was a busy man after all, if Shigaraki wanted him he'd have to contact Izuku himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Izuku's attention was momentarily diverted as he walked down the freezer isle in Lawsons, gazing at all the different ice-cream available and battling with his sweet tooth and his common sense, because no — he should not get an ice-cream. It was zero-fucking-degrees outside, when he suddenly collided headlong into someone perusing the bread section. That someone squawked as they were sent stumbling and crashing into a shelf of instant ramen. Izuku's head whipped around, green eyes wide as sauces.

How the hell hadn't he sensed them?

"OhmyGodI'msosorry," he reached out to help the boy, righting him before taking his hand back, bowing profusely. He may be a villain but he still had manners. Especially when he'd apparently been so caught up in chocolate ice-cream that his trained senses hadn't sensed someone walking very obviously toward him.

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