Pizza Theif

188 8 60

Suggestion by @CecilTheWolf :3

*Bonnie walks to the kitchen after he noticed a pizza sitting on the table. He thought he heard Freddy in the kitchen so he knocked*

Bonnie: Hey Fred! There's a hot pizza out here! Let's grab it before Chica comes back! Hello?! Yo, Smokey!

Bonnie: Hey! Open the door and eat this with me! Let's steal the pizza again, c'mon!

*he eats a slice on his own as he waits. The door opens, but it wasn't Freddy who was there...*

Bonnie: O-O Ch-chica- I-I can explain...!

Chica: So it was you who stole it, then...

Bonnie: I have good r-reasoning! I was hungry-

Chica: You owe me a new pizza, Cottontail... That is, if you can cook without arms...

Bonnie: Ch-chica, I-I, it wasn't m-me! Chica...? S-stand back! I am not afraid to throw hot pizza in your face!! Chica, no!

Bonnie has disconnected from the server

???: Ťħªţ'$ řïĝħț... Ň€vėŕ m€$§ Ŵîţħ ĥëř ¶ïźżą. . . Ìň fâ¢ţ, $ĥ€ §Ħøūłð ķïłľ ţĥ€m. . .

???: Øħ, ¥øu don't know me... Even if you did, you won't live long enough to say anything about it. . .

???: Shhhhhh... Don't tell the author about me... I was never here... Heh heh heh...

???: >:)

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