Highschool AU

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(Ok so everything I said in the chapter before the last one, about Aus, scratch that. So we have 2 ocs that are new now and they'll be used through the remainder of the story, if the oc owners would like, I don't mind, but this au is just gonna be pretty much Highschool life, and it'll be short. All of these will be short. I'm not doing soulmate au by the way, sorry if you were hoping for it. I might do roommates, but as of right now I'm not doing it. @Lynxandtrash requested Hanahaki au, if you don't understand what that is us might wanna look it up uwu also if I've seemed kinda off lately, for some reason I feel depressed (not in a seriously bad way tho), probably just from quarentine. So don't mind me.  Enjoy uwu)


The alarm clock rang in her ears.

"Shut. Up. You. Stupid. Thing."

Still ringing, the clock sat on the bedside table of Makenna's room.

"I SAID SHUT THE EFF UP," she grabbed it and chucked it out the window. A typical Monday morning.

Trudging out of bed, Makenna got herself ready for school.

~Timeskip because I'm a lazy doofus~

When Makenna got to school, she sighed in aggravation. "I hate this place."

"Don't we all," her friend, Selena said, walking up to her. They both just stared at the school, outside. The sun was beating down on them.

"How's your relationship with Lynx going? You guys still a thing?"

"Yep. He said he'd meet me at my locker before class. I heard we're getting a new student today," Selena said.

"Yeah, I heard that too. His name's Caleb, I think," Makenna said. "So how's your brother doing? Is Justin okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. I think he's got a crush on you or something, cuz he never stops talking about you."

Makenna chuckled a bit. "Sweet."

The bell rang for class to start. Both girls sighed and went to class.

After their first class was over, they went to their lockers, which were next to each other. Makenna saw her other friends, Lizzy and Ella, they were sisters, run over to them. "Heeeeey!" Ella said, grinning.

"Sup," Makenna said, grabbing a book out of her locker.

"Soooooo as Lewis and I were heading to Bio, we saw the new guy! He's super nice!" Lizzy said, smiling. That's when Makenna noticed her other friend, Luna walk over.

"Yeah, he's a pretty nice guy," Luna said, leaning against a locker.

"Have you guys seen Lynx?" Selena asked, closing her locker door. The others shook their heads. "I'm starting to get worried. I haven't seen him at  all yet... he texted me this morning like nothing was wrong..."

Suddenly, three male teachers zoomed past us in the hall, heading down toward the field. Justin, Selena's twin brother accidentally ran into the group and looked at them frantically. "It's Lynx! Another jock started fighting him on the field!"

"Oh God..." Selena mumbled, grabbing her friends, quickly following the teachers.

Once they arrived, they saw two of the teachers trying to pry Lynx off of the guy, both bruised and bloody. It seemed like it was a brutal fight... 

"I am very ashamed of you guys! Caleb, it is your first day, so you're lucky I'm letting you off with a warning.... Lynx...get to the office. Now."

Lynx shot another glare at Caleb before walking away. He saw Selena and the group and walked over to them.

"Lynx, what did you do?!" Selena asked, wiping some of the blood off of his cheek.

"Everyone thinks I started the fight but it was that Caleb kid..."

"But Caleb seemed really nice when we met him..." Ella mumbled.

"Yeah, well, if you call what you just saw nice, you're crazy," Lynx said, walking past them to detention.

"C'mon guys...let's go tell Lewis," Makenna said as they left.

"Man I was fooled. I really thought Caleb was nice..." Luna said..

"Maybe both of them just got off the wrong foot... it could've just been a misunderstanding," Lizzy said, sighing.

School was over, but they stayed after a bit to talk to Lewis.

"Really? He fought Lynx??"

"Yeah..." Makenna said.

"The dude seemed chill to me... I wouldn't have expected that," Lewis said, grabbing his backpack.

"Yeah well, people fool you," another voice said from behind them. They all turned and saw one of the biggest bullies in the school... she was like Heather Chandler and Regina George had a fusion and made her... 


Makenna glared at Bella, crossing her arms. "What do you want?"

"I mean, it would be a shame if Caleb or Lynx got expelled... it would be awful if Selena's little boy toy was gone in an instant..." Bella smirked.

"First off, he's not a boy toy. Second, you don't know what you're talking about, " Selena growled.

"Oh I believe I do," Bella said, flipping her hair. "It's always you all who gets in my way of being the best, and I don't like second best. So if I have to get you all expelled, one by one, so be it..."

"You caused them to fight..." Makenna said, balling her fists.

"Just now catching onto that? Or are you just slow?" Bella asked

"What do you want, Bella?" Lewis asked, sighing.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to warn you all not to get on my bad side... I hate all of you and I am very excited to get you expelled..."

"Oh, believe me, the feeling's mutual," Luna said.

"Just watch your backs," Bella said as she sashayed away.

(Part 2 anyone? XD)

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