Lynx and Selena

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Lizzy: Are you sure they went this way?

Lewis: Positive. 

Ella: And what if they aren't there?

Lewis: I love how you don't trust my instincts.

Lizzy: I mean, after all we've been through, we're all gonna have trust issues...

Lewis: true.

Ella: Guys, get down!

*the three of them crouch down, behind a parked car. They could see Lynx and Selena talking near an alley*

Selena: Lynx? What's going on with you? You're scaring me...

Lynx: Don't be afraid of me, love... it'll be over soon... don't you trust me?

Selena: I don't know about right now-

Luna: *she walks out from the alley next to Lynx, smirking at Selena* Come now, Selena... join should trust us over those pathetic people you call friends... trust your boyfriend and I...

Lynx: *he grabbed Selena by the collar of her shirt and he stared into her eyes. She then noticed his eyes were an unnatural green were Luna's...she hadn't noticed it before...but she does now...*

Selena: *everything then became a haze to her as she looked at Luna and Lynx. She smirked*

Ella: Selena.... no...

Lizzy: We're gonna get them back... and we're gonna take down Vincent once and for all... and this time... 

Lewis: This time he's gonna stay dead and burn in hell where trash like him belongs.

Ella: Well said, my friend.

Lizzy: They're on the move! C'mon! 

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