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Vincent: It's happening. It's too late for you to save them, now. I hope you enjoy this as much as I will... >:)


*Freddy and Foxy were talking to each other about something, while Chica and Bonnie went to grab some pizza, Makenna went to the Parts and Service room to look for new animatronic parts. She was planning on repairing the old robots since they were in need of one.*

*as she walks in, she searched for the light, unable to turn the lights on. The door closed and someone locks her inside*

Makenna: -__- Wth?

Vincent: *he grabs her wrists and shoves her against the wall, a burning glare in his eyes*

Makenna: *growls slightly* Of course it's just you... Let me go, you friggin creep...

Vincent: Not a chance. I'm getting my revenge... And you're a part of it, so I hope you enjoy death as much as they did...

Makenna: They?

Vincent: Every other child I've killed...

Makenna: Makes sense

Vincent: *struggling a little, he brings he over to the springlock suit and attempts to put her in it, obviously failing. She keeps punching and kicking him so he can't really do much*

Makenna: You're really pushing it. Let me go and you may not die

Vincent: I see that as an empty threat

Makenna: I don't care what you see it as! Let me go!

Vincent: *he finally lets some of his anger out and slaps her cheek so hard that it leaves a red mark* Shut up!

Makenna: *something in her burns, and she slowly looks at him and places her hand over the place where he smacked her. She looks at him and a tiny smile appears on her face, but it's rather terrifying* Did you just hit me?

Vincent: I... U-uh...


Vincent: sh*t sh*t sh*t...

Bonnie: *busts the door down* What happened?!- WHY IS THE POPSICLE HERE?!?!?!


Freddy: Get the heckity heck out of here!

Foxy: >:0

Vincent: No way! I am getting my revenge and I don't care what any of you do! *grabs Makenna again and shoves her toward the suit, but right before he could put her in it, someone grabs her and brings her away from him. Bonnie, Foxy, and Freddy grab Vincent and shove him in the suit*

Vincent: Ah sh*t...

*a drop of water falls on the suit and on one of the springlocks, setting it off. Screams are the only thing they can hear for a while, until it all stops*

Makenna: . . . 

Chica: ...Good... He's... He's gone...

Foxy: For good...

Bonnie: But what if Spring-

Freddy: Shh... One problem at a time.

Makenna: *isn't gonna question what Bonnie was gonna say and sighs to herself* Thank God this is over...

Chica: Yeah, for now...

Freddy: Let's hope it would be for forever...

Bonnie: C'mon guys, we still need to decorate for Halloween....!

Makenna: Yeah... C'mon...

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