Chapter VII.

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Salma chuckles at her desk as she watches the video of Augustus so flat out drunk that he was dancing so badly with a group of random people. He was having a good time and she has seen a side that she never thought she would see, he was very funny and very affectionate. He wouldn't stop kissing her and she enjoyed every second of it and then he ended up throwing his brains out the very next day.

Gary who was her desk neighbor rolls towards her in his chair. "Hey boo, girl, you going to this meeting?" He questioned and Salma nodded as she puts her phone away. Gary rolled his eyes. "Oh lord, the last thing I need is to be in a room filled with snobby straight white men who never struggled not a day in their life." Gary huffed and Salma shakes her head sassily. "Okay!" She sassed and Gary suddenly smirks as he scoots his chair closer. "Speaking of straight white man who has never struggled not a day in their life, how's your boyfriend?"Gary questioned making Salma laugh. "He's good, we're going on a date after the meeting."

"Oooh I see you, all boo'd up. If you two don't get married I'm suing both of y'all of emotional damage because you two are so cute and I'm obsessed. If I don't get invited to the wedding, I will hunt both of you down." Gary says sniffling and playfully wiping fake tears from under his eye. Gary was the first person she met at her job, she hasn't been here long and they have gotten rather close to one another. He's also a really gorgeous guy with soft brown skin, hazel eyes, and soft brown hair and such petite shaped body. Salma smiles with a laugh. "You're invited to our wedding, Gary." She chuckles and Gary gives her a serious look. "And I better be the Godmother, Godfather just isn't me and I'm gonna grant my God child's wishes." Gary says waving around his pen as if it was a Godmother.

Salma forces a smile and she nodded. "Of course, Gary."

Their boss comes walking through, his name was Peter Tull and Salma despises him but she loved working this job. She gets up and she follows behind Gary who looked just as nervous as she did but she kept her head high and puts on her A-game face. Everyone in their section sat in the big room and it was mostly white people and she was the only black female in the room but she always was, didn't scare her not one bit. Gary winks at Salma and she smiles as she takes out her note-taking journal.

They started the meeting and there was nothing but powerpoints and Salma, of course, paid attention, wrote down some keynotes that were being mentioned and she was very confident on to what they were conversing on and was to train the interns that were coming in. Salma was an AL Data Scientists and she was a hell of a good one at that. She made algorithms and she knew how to code, data visualizations and made different various programs for learning processes with the company she worked with. Dell was a good company but had very little diversity and she believes that they should launch programs for young black girls who want to pursue a career that she's doing.

Mr. Tull stood in front of everyone and Salma was starting to get a bit sleepy because he had such a boring voice and he talked, talked and talked. Salma eyes trailed over to Gary and he runs his fingers over his neck then he lets out a soft gag sound as if he died. Salma shakes her head slightly with a softly chuckle as she looks away because the man was a trip but made the most of her work days.

The tall white man paces around the room and his arms behind his back as he walked with his head lowered just a bit. "Anyone care to elaborate on figured that they would like to suggest some ideas? Please speak now." Mr Tull announced and Salma also along with other people raised their hand. Salma patiently waited for each person to say what they had to say. She was so eager to suggest the program that she was thinking of doing for Computer Science.

Mr. Tull got to her and he motions towards her. "Yes, um, Ms. Mophead." He chuckles.

Salma lips parted and laughter erupted from just about everyone in the room, the only people who weren't laughing was her or Gary who shakes is head as he crossed his arms. They continued to laugh and Salma clears her throat as she looks down, she forces a smile as she tried to get herself together and she looks around at all of the white, laughing faces and she never felt so embarrassed in her entire life and she never really felt that way but when it came to her hair, it's something she didn't like to think about.

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