Chapter XXXI.

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A year later.

      Augustus stood at the pier and he was in front of a lot of his coworkers, business friends and most of all his family. It's been a long and crazy of a year for him and he's happier than the year before. Not only did he have an official wedding with Salma but he got to the mark for his first year anniversary with Salma. Then to top all that, they finally moved into the house that he built for Salma so she would have a cozy home but also a place for Mickey and Dowen to live happily. It was a lot of scrambling around to get Dowen and Augustus was as patient as possible when it came to the process but he finally got his kid, he finally got Dowen to come home. Augustus knew there were many other boys that needed homes and so he made sure all of them were adopted by eligible parents because Augustus didn't know if he could handle twenty boys all at once but if he had to he would, there was enough room in his heart for all of them.

"Today, is not only a casual dinner party but I also want to recognize someone who changed my life forever." Augustus announced.

Everyone looked at Salma but Augustus wasn't talking about Salma. Yes, she did change his life by a lot but Augustus would have never met Salma if it weren't for Shania, his lovely sister Shania.

Augustus looked at Shania who sat down next to his friend but is also her fiancé Falah who Augustus met at Howard college a few years ago. He's a very sweet and kind guy who levels Shania's craziness just right. "You're probably thinking, oh it's his wife Salma, true but no. This person has been my best friend for a very long time; my sister at most. We met a couple of years ago and she was hired by my father. She was someone that my father wanted me to mentor when really she was mentoring me especially... everything that came to life. When she could, she always made sure that I had a friend and she was someone that I could trust and I never doubted her for a second. She's been someone who stood by my side when it came to my personal problems and also the company. She always goes above and beyond when it comes to me and my father's enterprise but one thing she always said it was my enterprise because I'm the boss, I'm the top guy. Shania always made really weird jokes and always treated me like her brother but also like her son even though she's only two years older than me. She always took care of me when no one else did. Please give it up for Shania Abdulmajid." Augustus finished and he started clapping, everyone started clapping.

Augustus motions for Salma to come up and she gets up, confusion ridden on her face. She walks on the stage and Augustus smiles as hugs her. "Gus, I swear if you're firing me." Shania joked and Augustus chuckled as he shook his head. "No shut it for a second." He quickly whispers and Shania smiles even though she was confused as to what was happening.

Augustus turned around and he was handed a really fancy looking plaque, it had Shania's name embedded into the plaque. Augustus looked at Shania and her eyes grew wide because her name was on the plaque but it had COO above her name. "I want to promote you as COO because you represent this company very well and you constantly work your ass and you deserve it because the position was meant for you when you first started working here." Augustus announced and Shani was lost for words.

Before Shania worked for Augustus's father, she spent many years in school and has so many years of experience that she was qualified to be head of her department but his father put her with everyone else, stunting her capability when she had more experience than Augustus did at the time but he was granted the position. It was an inherited position and Augustus promised his father that he won't let his hard work go to some random person. Shania wasn't random, she was his family and she rightfully deserves the position.

Everyone began to clap and Shania honestly couldn't even get her words out because she was finally getting something that she deserved but she was going to be partnered up with her brother. Shania hugs Augustus and he hugs her back. "Thank you so much, I promise you won't regret this at all." Shania says and Augustus doesn't think he would ever. "Shania you never failed me, I have never thought lowly of you." Augustus assured her and Shania wanted to cry so bad but she kept it together.

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