Chapter Five: The Day I Tell my Story

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I wake up to hearing someone throwing rocks at my window. I grunt in frustration and I make myself get up to look out the window. I don't see anybody out there. Weird. Suddenly I hear knocking coming from the front door. I really think about this for a few seconds, but before I can truly talk myself out of it. I get my bat and go downstairs. I open the door and it's Brandon. I get the sudden smell of alcohol and I'm engulfed with him hugging me and I'm suddenly scared.

"Hey baby. How's it going?" He slurs his words out.

"Uh. Nothing much. What time is it?" Confusion running through my mind.

"Oh, baby. You don't need to worry about that. Let's go upstairs, shall we?"

I start panicking and I know I must act fast. So, I thought of the only solution I could possibly muster.

"No, let's not go in the house. Let's do it in your car?" I flirt with him and give him a smirk. As this idea pops into my head.

"Oh, you're that type of girl. Never expected this coming from you." Brandon says. Not even thinking about what's coming to him.

With his arm wrapped around me on my left side. He opens the door for me, and the second he does that, I push him in the car, and I run as fast as I can through the door. I lock the door behind me the second I close the door.

"Awww, babe. Don't be like that." Brandon says behind the door. He bangs on the door. Trying to come in.

With the door against my back, I slide down. Out of pure pain and panic. I cry and I let out a scream. I put my head to my knees and I just crawl in a ball.

I hear grunting and I stop sobbing for just a second. I slowly get up and I look out the window. I see Daniel beating Brandon up. Confusion runs through my head.

"Daniel no! Please, stop!" Brandon screams out with his arms out defending himself.

"Why are you drunk and what are you doing at Lisa's house?" Daniels screams out, demanding an answer.

"I went to a party and she popped into my head. I noticed how bad I wanted her, so I came here." Brandon slurs, but panic runs through his face.

Daniel picks Brandon up and he falls. Unable to stand on his feet.

"Damn bro. How much did you drink?" Daniel asks, shaking his head in disapproval. He turns to me and mouths 'I'm sorry'. I give him a confusing look and he looks at Brandon. Telling me that he's sorry that Brandon came to my house drunk off his ass. Relief runs through my entire body and I start walking towards my front door.

I hear the car door close and footsteps running, and they get louder and louder. "Hey, Lisa. When I drop Brandon off at his house. Do you mind if we talk thing's out?? You've been on my mind all day and I just need to talk to you about everything and my feelings towards you."

Daniel looks me in the eyes desperate for an answer and I know he's telling me the truth.

"Not right now. It's late and I need to go to bed. I'm sorry. Maybe you and I can talk tomorrow during lunch or class?"

Daniels eyes light up like I've never seen before and he just gives me this smile and just hugs me out of nowhere. I stand there with his arms around me and I don't know what to do. He lets go and says, "Great! You have made my night Lisa. I'll see you tomorrow, and I promise you. You won't regret it." He runs back to his car and I'm left standing there. In front of my house. Just wondering what just happened and have a huge smile on my face. That the one guy I have had a crush on since elementary school finally likes me back.

I go to bed with a big smile on my face and I'm left wondering and worrying how tomorrow is exactly going to go down.

I'm walking to Chorus. Have my speech ready to be read and I'm honestly scared because Daniel is going to be in class, and he doesn't know everything. I walk in and I see him. We lock eyes and I walk to him.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say back, blushing, and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I wrote you a letter. I don't know when you're going to read it. But read it whenever you have a chance to." He says with sincere in his eyes.

"I will, but I got to talk to Ms. Denkerk for a moment." I say as I am handed the letter.

"That's ok."

I walk to Ms. Denkerk as the 5-minute bell rings. "Hey Ms. Denkerk. I have a question for you. Do you mind if I speak my story?"

"Yeah, I don't mind at all."

A few minutes past by and I'm sitting on a stool. I have my paper right in front of me and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. "Hi. My name is Lisa. I'm a senior here and I normally don't like speaking in front of crowds so, my heart is literally beating out of my chest." I giggle. I breath in and out and I lock eyes with Daniel, and he shakes his head 'yes'. Reassuring me.

I look at my own writing, locking my eyes on the piece of paper.

"This summer has not been the easiest yet has been the hardest. Most have a mother, and many may not. I'm the type of person to keep to myself and this will be the most open I have ever been in a long time. This past summer, I lost my mom to cancer. It was beyond hard to watch your own mother die in front of your eyes. There were many nights I wanted to commit suicide, but I know that I had to be strong for my mom. There were a lot of nights I cried myself to sleep. I am an only child and my Dad is in the military. We don't have that great of a relationship, but I know he loves me. He did not want to see his wife die so he went overseas. He loved my mom, but that's what hurt my mom the most. I also was in a relationship, at the time of my mom having cancer, and she did not like him. He tried to do the unimaginable with me and I wouldn't let him. I broke up with him, not because my mom didn't like him, but because I wanted to be there with my mom through it all. There was only one person that has been there for me through everything, and that is my best friend. She has been there for me for as long as I can possibly remember. As much as I would like to talk about my life. There is only so much time I have and there is many more that want to speak about their life upon other people. Maybe to impact them in a good way, or to just take a few minutes of fame. For me, it was to impact others. To tell everyone that you're not alone. Even when you feel like you are. We all go through things that hits us unexpectedly and we just have to breath in slowly and breath out and just take it all in. Thank you for listening to me."

A tear runs down my face and I quickly wipe it off. I know my mom is looking down at me, proud of me. As I get up, I look around and see tears running down people's faces and hear an applaud. I look at Daniel and we both just lock eyes.

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