Chapter Two: First Day of School = First Day of Drama

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The bell rings before I can even say a thing to Ari. We rush out the door. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is, What the hell! How can it be? He is supposed be dead. I just, I cannot even comprehend what we just saw! Its like were in a movie. Where one of the main characters comes back from the dead. Kind of like a zombie. Ari nods her head in agreement. We walk in line in the cafeteria and everybody is talking about him. I bet the entire school just got word that he is back, which isnt surprising. I start thinking about everything as me and Ari are in line to get some food. Even though Im not hungry, Ari is making me eat because she knows if I dont, she will hate herself for it. I dont know why, but its just the way how she is. She gets what I love, Spicy Chicken sandwich with mayonnaise and mustard with a side of fries.

We find a place to sit and she talks about some guys who were just being a pain in the ass in her second period and that she is not looking forward to this year but is thankful that it is our last year of High School. And some other things that she said that I didnt listen. I stopped listening to her when I noticed Daniel staring at me two tables down in front of me. I then start to think about what Ari said to me this morning. I dont believe any of it, but at the same time. I must protect myself from potentially getting hurt. Its already bad enough Brandon did what he did, or at least tried to, and with my mom passing this summer. Itll all been too much.

I dont think I will handle falling in love with someone then realizing it was just all a joke. Not just for him to use me, but as well as a bet, or something like that. That would ultimately destroy me. I cant bear the thought of it, so I start thinking about my long-lost sister that I havent told Ari yet.

Hey, Ari. I say to her, but she doesnt blink. I dont get a response from her. I snap my fingers in front of her face, nothing. I then tried to wave my hands, but still nothing. I realize that she is looking behind me, over my shoulder, and I turn around and its him. I guess, if he has this class, then he would have this lunch. Everybody stops talking, and its dead silent.

I look all around and everybody, is looking at him. Which is creepy, but also weirdly satisfying of how quiet it suddenly became. I see Daniel all teary eyed and he gets up. He literally looks like he just seen a ghost. He slowly walks up to him and gives him a hug. They begin to cry. Everybody starts to continue their lives like they dont exist. After aweing and some of the girls wiping away their tears.

I look back at Ari and she is crying as well. I may not understand the pain she went through, but at least I know. She told me just a few years, of her past, and it still hurts her. It even still gets to me just thinking about it. I go around the table and sit next to her. I sit there, and I comfort her. As soon as I touch her, she engulfs my arms and start bawling. Before we know it, the bell rings for us to go back to class. She looks at me with those bright blue eyes that are now puffy and with smeared mascara. I wipe the tears and we head back to class that I know will soon give us pure joy.

Me and Ari part ways, when the bell rang, as I head to Paint class. I walk in and sit on a stool. I wait patiently and the next person I see that walks in the door is Daniel, and his buddy Brandon. Great, like this couldnt get any better. Oh no. Daniel and Brandon start walking towards the table Im sitting at and casually sit down, continuing their conversation. As if Im not there. I grab my book and read.

Class, I apologize, but there is a sub coming to take my spot. I have an emergency, so I will meet you all next class. Ms. Feathers said. Yes! Daniel and Brandon said. They look at me and give me a look I know all too well. I stuck my nose in my book and ignore them.

The bell finally rings for us to go home. I gather my things and go straight to my car and wait for Ari. As Im standing waiting for Ari, Brandon walks up to me. Oh no. What does he want now? I think to myself.

Hey baby. Say, why dont we get in my car, go to my place and just talk. I laugh. You really think I would want to do anything with you? Yeah, in your dreams pucker boy. His guys were watching and listening, and they all laughed. I see Ari and she looks like she is going to jump him. I give her a look that says, Get in the car and I will tell you soon. She obeys, and I get in but before I can shut my door, Brandon forcefully stops and says, Youll regret it. He shuts the door and I simply just drive away.

I tell Ari everything that just happened, and she is in full blown bomb right now. Cursing up a storm and ready to use my car as a punching bag. He has no fucking right to say that shit to you, and regret what? For standing up and putting your foot down? Bull-shit. HE will regret it. I dont give a SHIT. YOU are my best friend and I will do whatever I damn well please. Regret it my ass.

We get to my house and she automatically goes straight to the fridge and the pantry. She grabs a load of chips, gets the dip from the fridge and practically grabs anything and everything up to my room. We sit down, and she forces me to eat. She knows I didnt eat what I grabbed this morning, nor did I eat lunch. She knows I wont eat if no one is around me. So, she is somewhat going to force me to eat. Which, I am thankful for.

What movie did you want to watch? She asks me as she goes to Netflix. You know what I want to watch. She goes to watch recently and goes straight to Kissing Booth. Which is a new favorite of mine; we start munching down on the food that Ari had gotten, and I hear a door slam downstairs. We both look at each others eyes in terror. We both wondered if it was him. She quickly pauses the movie, shuts off the tv. She runs inside my closet, knowing that if my father had seen her, he would beat the living shit out of me. I pull my comforter over all the junk food we had brought earlier, and I sit on my desk, grabbing my textbooks, and notebook, out of my book bag to make it look like Im doing homework. Even though I dont have homework. My Dad barges in my room, reeking of alcohol and starts yelling at me.

Dad, please. You need to get help. I cant stand seeing you like this. You know mom wouldnt want you like this. I say as Im bawling my eyes out. DONT TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE LISA. YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT IT IS MY LIFE AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT! He screams back at me. Yeah? And what about the military? Huh? They will kick you out and then we wont have any money. He slaps me and I fall to the ground. I look up at my closet, knowing Ari wants to come out of my closet, but I give her a look that tells her to not come out. He walks out saying, Stupid Bitch. He slams my door shut and I crawl into a ball and I just start bawling my eyes out. Ari knows better than to just storm out of my closet, so she waits until Im either ready for her or she knows its safe. Its not that I dont want her to come out, its simply for her safety. One day, she was over, and the argument got so bad between me and my Dad that he said something that Ari didnt like, and she butted in and started yelling at him. He got in her face and slapped her. She couldnt tell her parents because they would ban her to ever step foot in my house. They probably would make sure she wouldnt talk to me or be friends with me. So, in order for her to be over all the time, she lied to her parents and said that we were play fighting and it got a little too rough and she hit her head on our coffee table.

Just a few minutes later, I get up, wipe all my tears off my face and I nod at the closet door, telling Ari that it is ok for her to come out. She opens the closet door faster than lightening and she runs to me. She holds my face, forcefully makes me look into her eyes and she0 stare at me. I give her a nod and gives me a hug. We stand there for a few minutes and we both hear the front door slam. We jumped and just stared at my door, scared out of our minds that he would barge in through that very door. After about 15 minutes we heard the front door knocked and we just looked at each other, wondering if it is best for us to go down there. We hear another knock at the door and we both just simply decided that it was probably ok for us to open the door. Ari grabs a bat from under my bed and we both go down the stairs with eyes wide, ears ready to be heard, and legs ready to run. I cautiously open the door and as I open the door, I see someone starting to walk away, but quickly turn around. He looks at me dead in my eyes and I just stand there, unable to move. Ari opens the door wider for her to see and she freezes in place.

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