The Outcast

420 27 14

A.N: Short chapter up ahead.




He just stood there, leaning against the wall, not taking that smirk off his face. Jin sighed turning around. "Well, if you say it that way, your majesty, then we cannot refuse your offer.

"Very well, I'll ask the maids to get your rooms ready." Taehyung walked away, leaving us alone.

Jin turned to me. "I'm gonna go to the boys. How about that you explore a little bit, young lady?" He offered. I nodded before walking off.


As figured, I was lost. The palace aka castle is way bigger from the inside than I thought.

Yet this all didn't feel right. I'm a 2019 girl here in the 1850s. I mean it's pretty cool, but it's fucking hard to adjust myself. 

Maybe, I need to find a way back home.

"Ah, there you are." Chungha approached me. I just stood there like a statue. She eyed my entire body. "The boys were wondering where you are so they send me." She flipped her hair in a bitchy way. I nodded, not knowing what to say.

Well, I do know what to say, but that would probably be like; 'bitch I don't give a single fuck about you. Please die and never come back. Thank u, next.'

I hate my life.

"Oh and one more thing, don't come near my lovely future husband. I already claimed the future queen's spot." She spat in a threatening way.

I rolled my eyes, not caring a single thing about her. "Well then 'your highness', I don't even like him so don't worry about that. And just between you and me, you look like a porcelain doll filled with child's makeup that belongs to the garbage." I smiled at her lost figure, shocked about my attitude. 

She was still registering everything that I said to her so I waved my hand in front of her face to wake her up. She regained her figure and cleared her throat, changing the subject.

"Let's head back."

I nodded and followed innocently after her with the biggest smirk on my face. 

We went all the way back to where the boys were. She didn't even dare to look back and led me to the garden.

Jin seemed to notice me in 0.1 seconds and ran to me, grabbing me with worry in his eyes. "Oh my lord, are you alright, young lady?!" He shook me gently.

"I'm fine, no need to worry," I reassured him.

The rest of the crew came and told funny stories about when they were younger. "That's what happened. I'm a genius." Yoongi shrugged.

"We know." All of them agreed.

"Jihyo, how old are you again?" Hoseok asked me. I choked on my drink, not expecting a question.

"I'm seventeen," I answered. (A.N: See what I did there)

Meanwhile, Chungha was trying to get Taehyung's attention, but for some reason, his eyes stayed on me.

I felt extremely uncomfortable, noticing his gaze. Jungkook seemed to notice it and grabbed my hand. "Don't worry." He whispered in my ear. I blushed, feeling his hot breath.

He smirked, seeing my state and looked at his hyung who's eyes filled with an unfamiliar emotion. It was filled with jealousy.

Taehyung finally gave Chungha attention and focused only on her.

"Uhm, prince Jungkook, can you let go of me now?" Jungkook's eyes widened as he just realized that his arm was around my waist. He immediately let go and awkwardly laughed.

I chuckled, seeing his state. "Don't worry prince Jungkook, I was merely joking." He looked at me with sparkling eyes. It seemed that he became more comfortable after I said that.

"You're actually really strong." I complimented. He blushed and gave me a bunny smile. Jimin came to me and nodded his head.

"We always call him a muscle pig because of that."

Everyone here acted like they were brothers. It really felt like a big family, one that I always wanted to be in. However, that wasn't God's plan. I never had a family, though by seeing this in front of me, it made me happy. Almost as I was meant to be in this family, even so, I knew that I didn't belong here. 

I was the outcast here.

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