Interview With The Cast

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Everyone sat down as the author prepared for the show. "Remember to smile and answer honestly." She said to the cast who were scrolling through their phones.

"PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY!" She shouted. They went into position as they put their phones into their pocket.

"3, 2, 1. Action!" The cameraman plus the director shouted.

She smiled at the screen. "Hello and welcome to the interview about both the movie and the book. Today we are gonna answer questions some of you had." The author introduced with the biggest smile.

"Let's start with the first one." She grabbed the papers and read them. "To Kim Namjoon; do you have a girlfriend?" Namjoon's face went red. "No, but it could be you." He said with a wink.


"Ah, here's one for Jung Hoseok; why didn't you have a lot of screen time?" He laughed, wiping a fake tear. "The author just didn't have a lot of lines for me, but I played some other figurants roles, so I'm satisfied. Besides, the paycheck here is a lot so I couldn't reject it." The author glared at him before continuing.

"This is a question to Park Jimin; how did you feel to play the villain for once?" He thought about it before answering, "It was a hard challenge, but I liked how his character changed. It was a great experience." He gave a cute thumbs up.

She laughed. "You really are a good actor Jimin." She praised.

"Thank you."

"Alright, next question is for Min Yoongi; why did your character threaten Jihyo?"

"He wanted to protect his friend so it's reasonable." He explained, giving a gummy smile.

The author nodded. Her eyes went wide when she read the next question. "Uh, next question is for Jeon Jungkook; did you have sex with Chaeyoung, and are you good at it?" She mentally choked, trying to hide it with a smile.

"No, we didn't have sex and if you really want to know that, why don't you find out?" He said shortly giving the biggest smirk.

"Yeah, let's continue."

"To Park Jihyo; what was the hardest scene in the movie?"

"The ending. It was really complex and we had to figure out how we should improve it after we've done it multiple times." She explained, clapping her hands.

"That was indeed something." Everyone agreed.

"Next question is for Jin; are you always this handsome- hey this isn't even about the movie-"

"I am WWH. Worldwide Handsome. No one looks better than me."

"I can agree with that," Namjoon said. Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows. "C'mon, it's true." He said while everyone agreed.

"This question is for Yoon Sohee; What was the funniest thing that happened on set?"

"Namjoon broke a lot of things, Jin always stared at himself in the mirror, we pranked Yoongi once, Hoseok kept trying to fake cry by splashing a whole bottle of water on his face, Jihyo forgot a lot of lines, Jimin he was always trying to act cute, jungkook splashed hot chicken noodle soup on some of the costumes, Taehyung complained about every single thing-"

"-I did not!"

"Yes, you did. And me, I just had a lot of fun with my cast friends" She summarized.

We all laughed and then one of the final questions came. "This question is for Kim Taehyung; are you planning on working on other movie projects?"

Taehyung nodded. "Yes, and the next movie will be from the same person that wrote this book and movie. It's called; Tainted Roses."

"Yes, that's right."

"The last question for the author herself; how was it to write the book and made a live-action into it?"

"It was hard at first, but once I got out of my struggles, I decided to finish the book and look where we are now, having an interview about it. I am proud of my work and I hope that others that might see or read the book, like it too."

"Thank you for watching, this was the interview about 'Once Upon A Story'.

A.N: I will start a book soon called Tainted Roses. It will take a while, but it will turn great!

Also, this was a part of the storyline so if you want a Q&A. Please ask the names below your questions.

Kim Taehyung

Min Jihyo

Kim Namjoon

Kim Seokjin

Min Yoongi

Jung Hoseok

Park Jimin

Jeon Jungkook

Park Jihyo

Yoon Sohee

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