Waking In A Nightmare

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"Will she be alright?"

The voices were becoming clearer after every second. It felt like life was pulling me back slowly by becoming more conscious.

I opened my eyes and saw 8 people standing around me. I was pretty confused about seeing them here.

"Good morning," Hoseok said, hugging me tightly. A smile crept on my face, seeing them all with worried looks. "What happened?" I asked, not remembering everything.

"You saved our little Yeonjun by almost sacrificing your life," Jin explained with a calm voice, trying not to make me too overwhelmed. I gulped, slowly remembering the fire.

Before I had a chance to get up Jimin stopped me from doing so. "Please don't push yourself milady. Try to get some rest."

"But I literally just woke up?" He just gave me an innocent smile and got pushed away by Jin. "You were in a coma for two months, Jihyo." I looked at him like he was crazy.

two good months have passed while I was asleep?

I gave him a weak smile. "How is Yeonjun?" He gave me tumps up. "He's unharmed and pretty worried for you, but he was not the only one." Jin gave me a secret smirk before walking away and opening the door.

A small boy came out, running towards me with hope in his eyes. "Jihyo! I was so worried!" Like Hoseok, he hugged me really tight, almost making it hard for me to breathe.

"I'm fine don't you see?" I hugged him back, feeling his tears of joy on my shirt. He didn't want to let me go so I had to ask Hoseok to bring him into another room. When the boys left, I took a bite of the bread that was laying next to me.

"I see you're enjoying the bread I gave you, milady." A sudden voice spoke, making me lose my grip on it.

There was no one in the room. Sweat started to form everywhere on my body. A low whistling sound echoed through the room. Lights began to flicker, making my heart beat even faster. In the darkness, blue eyes were appearing. The flickering was getting more, and more intense. The whispering became louder and the figure in the darkness took every step closer, as the lights were going crazy.

It felt like I was in some sort of horror movie. And most Horror movies never end well...

For a moment it was quiet until the lights exploded, making me scream in fear. The room wasn't warm anymore but instead, it was ice cold. When I tried to move, a hand was stopping me from doing so. This hand was probably colder than Edward's from the Twilight movies.

"Don't move my sweet princess. You don't even know how much I missed you." The voice warned. Those blue eyes were staring at me like it wanted nothing more, but to devour my soul. I tried to identify the ones that were somehow in front of me, but the darkness was just too much making me unable to see anything except its eyes.

The hand began to move, touching my cheek, and slowly stroking it with its icy touch. It felt like I couldn't move at all.

I was stuck. Paralyzed.

Even though I couldn't see, I felt that it was coming closer to my face. The hands grabbed the sides of my neck, making sure that I stayed still. A pair of lips were brushed against my forehead almost like it was enjoying my skin.

"W-what are you doing?" I managed to say.

It was chuckling very softly. The blue eyes were getting even brighter than first. "I am simply just pleasuring my future wife." The voice was deeper than the ocean, sending shivers down my spine.

It forced its lips on mine. I let out a groan of pain but he kept ongoing. Its icy touches were lowering down and kissing every part of my body until he was near my vagina. It stopped and went back up facing me in the eyes.

"This." Its hand touched my body. "Entirely belongs to me and no one else. Don't forget that you are mine, and mine alone."

The lights were turned back on. The blue eyes disappeared, but I still felt a presence near me.

"Be prepared for what might come, my princess, cause I can promise you that your future won't be as pretty as you might think."

And sooner or later, I blacked out.

I opened my eyes, sitting up straight. The guys were again in the room. rushing to me when they saw I woke up. Everyone looked so worried, but I couldn't focus, recalling what happened.

Yoongi was not happy when he saw my face, or rather what was on my face. "Why are your lips bruised?" I shrugged, pretending to not know of it got there.

I was still a little out of breath so by steadying my breathing, I finally calmed down. "Did any of you see there was some kind of blackout? Or perhaps a person coming into this room?" I tried asking, without raising any suspicion.

King Taehyung held my hand in a similar cold touch as the blue-eyed thing. He smiled at me in a calming way, trying to reassure me. My body instantly relaxed as if it wanted his touch. He looked confused by my question.

"What are you talking about milady? I was here the whole time."

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