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I kept quiet as I didn't know what to reply. She kept on waiting for my response, but it felt like my lungs were shut down.

She sighed seeing my state. "Look, I'm not gonna hurt you." She said, rubbing my arm's.

"How did you know?" Finally, my voice came back. I couldn't help but look at her with curious eyes.

"I have a special ability to look into the future." She answered. When she saw my bag, she smiled, pointing at it.

"Can I see what's inside that bag?" She asked, but I backed off a little.

I didn't want to cause more trouble. "I'm sorry, I really am, but I don't think it's such a great idea." She shook her head, making me confused.

"It won't affect the future." She promised. I still hesitated when I took the book out of my bag. With a deep breath, I gave it to her.

She immediately flipped through the pages. It went quiet and only the wind and her flipping the pages echoed in the room.

I became nervous when she closed the book and looked at me wide-eyed.

"It seems that you have a great impact on history, Min Jihyo." I gulped.

What did she mean?

She sighed when she noticed my dumbfounded expression. By opening the book again, she went to a certain page.

I was shocked by what I saw. "Lady Jihyo, the strong woman who let her people know that being a woman is something to be proud of. She showed through battle that being weak shows more strength than being strong. She was the bravest and sacrificed herself for whatever situation."

I didn't know what to think. She closed the book and cleared her throat.

"Don't feel bad about what happened to lord Jimin's mom. Some things are just meant to happen."


I exited the bookstore. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice everything around me.

Suddenly I bumped into something and that made me fall on my butt.

I looked up and widened my eyes when I saw the king with a dull expression that clearly showed through his eyes.

"Good morning, your majesty." I bowed a little before walking away.

A hand pulled me back, which made me bump into him again. I was a little startled and backed away, but he didn't let go of my wrist.

"I need you to come with me." He spoke with a demanding tone.

I shook my head, trying to escape. "Please understand your majesty, but I don't want to escort you to the palace for whatever reason, you may have." I tried to speak as politely as possible.

He just stared at me with his dark eyes. For a moment, I got lost in them.

The next thing I knew was that he lifted me up in bridal style and brought me to the palace.

I struggled in his grip, but he didn't budge.


When we arrived, he finally put me down. He turned away, but I stopped in front of him.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

He didn't show any emotion and pointed at a direction before walking away in the darkness, leaving me behind.

My eyes followed where he pointed. I heard sudden footsteps and my name being called.

The younger prince quickly pulled me into a hug. It was so tight that I wasn't able to breathe.

I patted him on his back and let out a struggling voice.

"P-prince c-c-can't b-brea-t-th." I managed to say. He immediately let go.

His eyes softened and were filled with worry. "I'm okay, prince. No need to worry." I did a thumbs up, making him let out a deep breath of relief.

"Lady Jihyo, I was so worried when I heard from lord Jimin that you left." He said with his beautiful, alluring voice.

"I won't leave until I figured some things out." He nodded. I was actually happy to see him.

We went to the living room and talked about everything.

"Yeah, lord Yoongi hyung, said he wanted to be a rock in his next life." Prince Jungkook told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would he want to be a rock?" He simply shrugged.

"So he can do nothing."

I laughed, seeing how he tries to act like a cool kid. When he heard me laugh, his cheeks went strawberry red. He really is just a cute innocent baby, isn't he?

We were busy talking until I heard someone shouting my name.

Is it shouting my name day or something?

Someone hugged me out of nowhere. "Lady Jihyo, I'm so glad that you didn't leave." I smiled, breaking the hug.

I pinched his little mochi cheeks. "Please don't leave me again, okay." Jimin practically begged me.

"Promise me."

I gave him the brightest smile.

"I promise."

For now...

At that time, I completely forgot about the whole time-traveling drama. But I still knew that I had to find a way back, not just for me, but for everyone else.

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