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"Don't call me Angel"



I arrived at Jin's place with the two sisters. They were relieved to see that I wasn't a bad guy.

"Please sit down while I'll grab some medicines," I told them, walking away from the living room. Suddenly Jin came to the house and was shocked to see injured girls.

Their eyes went wide when they saw one of the king's advisors. They gave him a small bow but winced in pain. I came back with some supplies and saw Jin that was relieved to see me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't let you know about the injured girls, but I had to help them," I said in an apologetic way. He glared at me, grabbing my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

"What happened?" He eagerly asked.

I gave him an innocent smile while sighing. "I saw that some prince from the Ruby Kingdom was beating up those girls. I couldn't just stand and watch so I helped them and kicked him where the sun wasn't shining." I tried to explain it as short as possible.

His face went red, trying to hold his laughter. He reached his limit and laughed like there was no tomorrow. "You really kicked him there?" He wanted to confirm it. I just nodded while he smiled proudly at me.

"You really are different from all the girls here." He sort of complimented me. I mean, no shit. I'm not from your time period remember.

I grabbed his arm and changed the topic. "Shall we help those girls?" I asked while I just dragged him back.

When I was searching for some supplies. I found some alcohol in my bag. Apparently that didn't disappear. so I could use it to clean those wounds.

"Jin, can you treat the wounds from the younger one?" He immediately took action and helped her while I just smiled.

I kneeled in front of the girl that I had helped before. "This may sting a bit, but it will help. I promise." I told her while she was mentally preparing herself for whatever might come.

I laughed at her silliness and did my job. She smiled as she didn't feel a lot of pain. She saw how Jin treated her younger sister and smiled softly.

"He must be a lovely husband." She told me while I was shooking my head. Jin laughed at her comment.

"We aren't married, in fact, I already have a girlfriend," Jin told her while she was feeling embarrassed.

"May I know your name?" I asked, wrapping the bandage around the wounds and all of the bruises.

"My name is Jeon Somi and this is my little sister Jeon Ariel." She pointed at her sister.

I stood up, grabbing the stuff and brought them back to my room. Jin was also finished and we all sat down. "My name is Min Jihyo and this is my housemate Kim Seok-Jin." I introduced both of us.

"I can't believe that you're friends with the king's advisor," Somi said enthusiastically. We all laughed. "I can't believe it either," Jin replied, winking at me.

"Hey, Jin, can we please invite them to eat at the palace?" I suddenly asked. He calmly looked at me remembering what King Taehyung said about you.

"I'm not so sure about th-"

"Please~" I gave him my puppy eyes.


Somi looked at us, progressing what I just asked for them.

"Eating with the king? I'm not trying to sound rude, but I don't think that's a good idea..." She spoke with a sad voice.

I sighed and smiled. "Alright, this time you may pass, but you owe me dinner okay," I said jokingly, trying to cheer her up.

"I think it's time for us to go." She stood up and held the little girl in her hands. She's been awfully quiet, but then again, she looked so young.

"I do hope that we can meet again, Jihyo, I think that if you ruled this kingdom instead of the king, this would've been a lot better for the people here." She said, making me speechless.

All I did was just being myself...


Throughout dinner, Jimin still didn't show up. I guess he was still in grief and tried to go through it alone.

I felt bad for him if only I didn't come here, then everything was going to be alright.

Maybe, I'm enjoying myself too much here.

After I was done eating, I went to the bathroom, letting the tears out that I've been holding for so long.

I looked at myself through the mirror. I didn't notice that someone came into the bathroom until I turned around.

It was the king.

His face was filled with curiosity when he saw me crying. "Why are you crying?" He asked, trying to understand my motives. I figured that he still didn't trust me and he was right. I wasn't to be trusted because I will eventually mess everything up.

I quickly wiped my tears away and looked him straight into the eyes.

"You won't have to get rid of me anymore. I leave as soon as possible" I coldly said to him as I went out of the bathroom leaving him confused.

It was around 9 PM already so I went outside to get some fresh air. I walked around the garden and saw Jimin was sitting in the field. I was unsure, but I let myself sit next to him.

It was already dark outside and smiled sadly. "I guess you're having a bad day as well," I said feeling the wind passing by.

"I'm really sorry about your loss. It is after all my fault." I mentally slapped myself as I accidentally said that. He furrowed his eyebrows and moved himself to look at me. "Why do you keep saying that it is your fault when it clearly is not!" I jumped a little bit by his raised voice, but I kept looking straight forward.

"I can't tell you, I''m sorry." I looked at the ground, burying my face between my knees.

The tears wouldn't stop, so I hug him. "Again, I'm sorry. I will not allow myself to hurt you even more so I'll have to do what I'll have to do." I broke the hug and stood up, not wanting to face him.

"Goodbye Jimin."

For Jimin it felt like she was not saying just goodnight, but like she was gonna leave him behind and never come back.

I didn't dare to look back and kept walking. The king stood somewhere watching the whole scene. I passed him by and didn't try to look at him. I just felt like the whole world was dying inside of me. The guilt was again eating me alive.

When I saw Jin, he noticed my expression and immediately took me home. He didn't try to ask anything so I walked straight into bed.

If only I could reverse time...
Then maybe, just maybe, everyone would've lived an happily ever after.

But fate thought otherwise.

A.N: I'm so sorry that this update was pretty late but my dog is hurting a lot.

I'm also thinking of changing the plot. The chapters will stay the same, but the story in the upcoming chapters will be changed.

Let me ask you something.
What do you prefer?
Happy ending or a tragic one?

I love you guys with all my heart!


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