Plot Explaination

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As you might've noticed, I completed this book a few months ago. This book is a little bit complicated so I'm here to explain a few things.

In the prologue, there are a few hints stated that go throughout the book. For example; the king is meant to be killed. The prologue also states that a girl will change the story. That's where Jihyo comes in. 

Jihyo is a girl from 2019 that accidentally landed in the Emerald Kingdom. It was all an accident. In other words, she wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. By doing this, she gained the role of saving the king. 

The king is named Kim Taehyung. He was known as a cold man. He had a terrible past, and that changed him forever. However, when Jihyo came, he didn't like it at first. She was too different. (Of course will she be different, she came from the future for god's sake...) And, after a few months, he began to like her. He began to like the change. 

Jimin is the main villain in the story. He was supposed to kill Taehyung, and then the girl would save the king. But, duo Jihyo being in this time period instead, he began to fell in love with her. Again, I want to state that that changed the story. It's kind of like the butterfly effect. One small change can effect everyone in the past. 

Ms. Jang is a special person. She still lives in 2019. She's a special person cause she can communicate with both her past, and future self. That's how her past self knew who Jihyo was when she first met her. She also knows how the story would go. That's why she tried to talk with Jihyo multiple times. 

Jin had also a major role in this story although it might not seem like it. Jihyo changed his fate. When they first met, Jin was supposed to go to another kingdom, and his fate was death. Because of the girl, she changed his destiny. He provided her a place to sleep, and eat. 

As I said before, Jihyo wasn't meant to be here. Another girl was, but she changed history. Futher in the story, it was mentioned a few times that time, and space would notice that she's here. This will also explain a part of the ending. 

Time, and space felt that something was wrong when she arrived. They didn't know what or who it was, but when the story started to change, they wanted to regain balance by sending her back to the future. Now this part can be confusing cause JIhyo started to slowly disappear. It began with her clothes, and ended with her disappearing herself. But, she didn't come back to the future. She changed the past, and for that, she was cursed. 

Cursed to relive everything from the moment she arrived till the moment of the king's death. You can see it as a never ending loop. 

In the epilogue, you can see that Jihyo is talking to her daughter, and telling her her story. You might wonder, how did she get back? Well, the explaination for that is that she couldn't bare to see it all over again, and again, and again. She begged time, and space to bring her back after she relived the whole story for millions of times. They pitied her, and brought her back to the same time she had an accident. She remembers everything clearly, and that became her punnishment. Suffer from the horrible memories. She fell in love with another man, and had a daughter together. 

That is kind of the whole plot explaination. 

A story where a girl went into the past, and had to change someone's fate which failed millions of times. 

Kind of sad, don't you think?

I hope you enjoyed the book, just like how I enjoyed writing the story. There will be no second book. This story is for me complete. Let your own fantasies decide how it will go. Also, I wrote this in a hurry so don't pay attention to the grammar nor spelling mistakes.

I just want to add a little thing that has nothing to do with the plot, however, it is important for me to share. I don't think I will continue to write books. I'm very busy with college, and I don't have so many ideas anymore. 

Please stay healthy these days, and don't forget to enjoy yourselves every once in a while. 

Thank you for reading this,
- YoonPasTae

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