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Looking at my wife flip the fuck out,I felt like shit. I'm beat the fuck out of your pissy pussy ass mammy, and I'm make all them hoes eat dirt, she yelled as I walked behind her in the court house. We knew who was behind the bullshit now and she was pissed off. My momma basically had my weak ass cousins on her side and she had them make false statements and shit , in order to make me look bad for and lose my businesses but God was good and I had a great Lawyer.

Your momma is died to me, if I ever have to go through anything else with that weak bitch ,I promise I'll kill you and her. You need to let me know what it's gonna be now, E yelled as I watched her.
Shit she was right, 10 years of bullshit and I am finally giving up on a relationship with her. She was my momma that's the only reason, I was trying to love her but she had crossed the line. She put my kids in danger, so you know I was done.
11 months later
Bruh, what's up? I asked with a frog in my throat as Esha laid next to me. The last 11 months been tough, she forgive me for the hundred of time but she had rules and I mean REAL RULES& I followed them.

Huh bruh? I asked as I removed myself from the bed. Listening to my brother tell me that Juice has just got shot at his house and is being rush to the Hospital. I could not move, my body was numb and my mind was worrying.

Babe babe, Esha I cooed shaking her. Yes babe she cooed as she looked at me. Baby I need you, I need you I cried. I was so stuck I couldn't even understand what the fuck was happen. Law what's wrong she said now sitting up in front of me. Something happen to Juice, I have to go to the hospital, please I cried in her lap. It felt like my heart was broken and I just knew my brother was not doing good.

2 hours later
I'm sitting in the waiting room with Jay, Tasha and E. My momma was sitting across from us, surprisingly with my auntie. She cried and looked at us but I was so pissed I just laid my head on my wife's lap. Also in the waiting room was Niecey family, we didn't know until we got here that she was shot 6 times and was already out of surgery and in ICU. Still not understanding what happen, I just prayed everything was gonna be okay.

"Law", Jay said he stood up, looking to the door two doctors walked out the OR. Umm the family of John? The white lady doctor asked. Yess we all answered.
Um John was shot 14 times in the upper body, literally not hearing nothing after that I just couldn't understand nothing. Hugging me Esha cried as I completely broke down.

Who would want to kill Juice? Juice wasn't no thug or nothing man , he was just a cool ass brother man.

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