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You woke up from the sound of loud music playing through the house, the bass hitting your chest

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You woke up from the sound of loud music playing through the house, the bass hitting your chest.

You sat up and ruffled your hair, confused as to why someone would be playing music this loud at this tim-

You looked at the clock.


You definitely had slept.

You swung your legs over the bed and stood up, wobbling over to the bathroom, quickly running the tap on your face and brushing your teeth before looking at yourself in the mirror.

Your cheek was still battered, you had a bruise on your jawline and a scratch by your cheek bone.

What would your father think?

That's right! Your going to see your father today.

With that thought you brightened up immediately, running your small legs down the steep stairs and into the kitchen, meeting eyes with everyone of the boys, except jungkook and taeyong, who's eyes were concentrated on their food.

The music suddenly stopped.

Hoseok stood up, the noice of his chair scrapping against the floor breaking the silence.

" y/n"
He breathed before pulling you into a hug.
" how are you? I heard taeyong hurt you."
He said darting his eyes around your face.

" I'm fine.."
you whispered, not interacting with him at the slightest.

" ohhh..."
he stepped back, his eyes slightly hurt.

" your scared again arnt you,
We won't hurt you.. at least I won't"
His remark caught the eyes of every single person in the room now.

You froze at what the male said.
He wouldn't hurt you?

" why was everyone so.. different yesterday?"
You openly asked.

Taeyong sighed, standing up and walking out the room, giving you a cold shoulder.

No one spoke.

It was all silent.

" I'm seeing my father today arnt I?"
You changed the subject, letting Johnny relax in the far corner.

Jungkook looked back up from his food and nodded, "I'm taking you over there at 3 and your staying there for a night."
He stated before getting a stare from everyone.

" and I expect you to gratefully come home."
He said. Everyone nodding in agreement.

You rolled your eyes and picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, walking away from the silenced room.

• • •

You decided you'd pack a whole lot of clothes just in case, filling up the suitcase with way to many outfits.

You checked the time and it had just hit half past 2.
You eagerly stood up and walked your suit case down the stairs.

All the boys walked to the hallway, watching you struggle.

With confused eyes, jimin walked up towards you and picked your suitcase up, pointing for you to walk down the stairs.

As you reached the flat floor, jimin behind you, everyone started to say their farewells.

" I'm gonna miss you.."
hoseok said, squeezing you into a hug, you slowly hugged him back and did the same for everyone else.

" I'm only going for a night."
You chuckled, your fear slowly fading.

Your right, you don't like some of them when they are mad or angry but other than that they are great people and you love spending time with them.

Jungkook then pushed past all the boys surrounding you and took your suitcase.

"let's go or you'll be late."

He walked out the door, stamping almost.

What was wrong with him?

You slowly followed him, waving to all the others while getting in the front of the car.

The engine revving, the music starting itself.
Jungkook instantly pulled out the car park and started driving towards your house.

" why were you angry with me yesterday?"
You asked, breaking the silence that filled the empty car.

Jungkook scoffed, his eyes still on the road while your were examining his expression.

" you got drunk at the dinner.."

You gasped.

You did?!

The memories came flashing back, you drinking and drinking.

" then you continued to expose me to my parents, then kiss me like nothing happened."

He scoffed again, gulping hard.

You held your palm against your mouth, your lips open wide.

" I did?!"
You sucked in a lump of air.

" I-I'm so sorry..."
you mumbled, your voice quiet and submissive.

" it's done now "
He shrugged, parking the car in-front of the house you haven't been in for ages.

You smiled widely at your father stood by the door, namjoon walking up behind him and smiling at you.

You waved and got out the car, running to the back, struggling to open the boot.

" here."
Jungkook said, his mood changing instantly as he opened the boot for you and walked your suitcase to the door.

You rushed up and ran into your fathers open arms.
" I missed you!"
You squealed slightly.

You held each other tightly until He let go of you and you turned to namjoon.
He opened his arms and you almost went to hug him.

" do I get a goodbye hug?"
A voice called from behind you, stopping you from
Hugging the other male.

Your turned and saw jungkook smiling, his arms open.

Your tilted your head only to get another wide smile from him.

You slowly walked into his body and hugged him, his body warm and his arms supporting you while your arms snakes around his neck.

" I'll miss you."

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